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Volume 20(12); Dec 1977
Original Articles
Statistical Analysis for the Mortality of In-Patient in Pediatric Ward.
Joong Gon Kim, Chong Koo Yun, Kwang Wook Ko
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):933-942.   Published online December 31, 1977
Statistical analysis for mortality of in-patient in pediatric ward in Seoul National University Hospital was carried out during the 3 years from Jan. 1974 to Dec. 1976. Total number of admitted patients was 2,234, of whom 172 expired. The following results were observed. 1. Total number of admission during the 3 years was 2,234, and male to female ratio was...
Clinicopathologic Study of the Nephrotic Syndrome in Children.
Seung Joo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):943-952.   Published online December 31, 1977
This study is aimed to evaluate the clinicopathologic correlation and responsiveness to steroid therapy of individual glomerular morphology. So, percutaneous renal biopsy was performed in every nine patient with nephrotic syndrome which developed in the abscence of any underlying systemic disease, and it is possible to classify idiopathic nephrotic syndrome into several well defined groups of clinicopathologic entities. Of 9...
Study on the Correlation Between Hyperextension of the knee Joints and Growing Pain.
Hee Woo Yang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):953-958.   Published online December 31, 1977
Children who complain growing pain are not rare at our outpatients clinics. The causes of growing pain have been variously suggested due to poor sleeping posture, strenous exercise and muscular strain, etc. Hyperextension of the knee joints, however, has never been implicated as the cause of growing pain. To study role of hyperexntension of the knee I producing growing pain,...
Comparison of Tuberculine Testing Between Monotest and Mantoux.
Byong Kwan Son
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):959-964.   Published online December 31, 1977
The Monotest was compared with the Mantoux test. A total of 527 first grade primary school children were subjected to test. Each child was innoculated simultaneously to one side arm with protein purified derivatve(PPD, 1TU) and to the another side arm with Monovac(Institute Merieux). Results from each test were read seperately 72 hours after administration. When induration of 2mm or...
Clinical Study of Acute Diarrhea in Infants and Children.
Jae Sook Lee, Hak Hae Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):965-972.   Published online December 31, 1977
Diarrhea is one of the most common symptoms evaluated by pediatrician. In a study of 671 children admitted to the diarrhea from Jan. 1970 to Dec. 1976. The results are summarized as follow 1) Diarrhea patients were total 671 cases(7.7%) among 8711 children who were admitted during last 7 years from Jan. 1970 to Dec. 1976. There was no significant...
Case Reports
Three Cases of Functioning Adrenocortical Tumor.
Jong ik Cheon, Kun yung Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):973-980.   Published online December 31, 1977
Neoplasms of the adrenal cortex are rare in children. Some of them are functioning malignant neoplasms. Two girls with variable degree of virilization and Cushing's sydnrome and a boy with only Cushing's syndrome, which were due to functioning adrenocortical tumors, were presented. All iesions were found in the left adrenal gland. Two of them were histologically adrenocortical calcinoma. There was...
Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets.
Lee Tae Kim, So Hun Ko, Sung Taek Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):981-987.   Published online December 31, 1977
Vitamin D deficiency rickets is a metabolic disorder of growing bone, which is still important nutritional problem in developing countries. Recently we had expirienced 2 cases of typical vitamin D deficiency rickets, who were fed with only thin rice gruels and not fed any nutrient diets, breast milk, vitamin D supplements and almostly not to be exposured to sunlight for...
Congenital diaphragmatic Hernia Associated with Hypoplasia of the Lung.
Seouk Tak Son, Taek Sae Lee, Ki Chang Han, Sae Kwang Moon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):988-991.   Published online December 31, 1977
A case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a newborn was presented, who had characteristic clinical and X-ray findings. The case manifested dyspnea, cyanosis and shift of the heart and mediastinum to the right immediately after birth, which was throught to be congenital diaphragmatic hernia and verified by autopsy. On autopsy, a large left diaphragmatic defect resulting massive diaphragmatic hernia and...
A case of Congenital Asplenia Associated Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus Totalis.
M J Yu
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(12):992-994.   Published online December 31, 1977
Congenital agenesis of spleen with dextrocardia as a part of situs inversus totalis has been reported infrequently. Recently we obserbed a 15 year old man with this condition and reviewed the clinical course and literatures.