We performed this study to evaluate the therapeutic responses of bone marrow transplantation and immunosuppressive therapy for aplastic anemia in 103 cases(68 severe and 35 moderate). Among them, 15 cases with severe aplastic anemia having HLA-identical sibling donor underwent bone marrow transplantation, and cases (53 severe and 35 moderate cases) without available HLA-identical sibling donor had received immunosuppressive therapy using... |
Between 1986 and 1990, four children with recurrent CNS leukemia who had previous NS prophylaxis therapy were treated with intermittent central nervous system irradiation and intrathecal chemotherapy (IIC). There was no isolated CNS recurrence. One patient died from bone marrow relapse. Three patients are alive without evidence of disease for 33/12 year to 36/12 years after the diagnosis of recurrence... |
Four newborn infants with hyperbilirubinemia, caused by ABO blood group incompatibility, were treated with high-dose intravenous immune globulin (IVIG). As soon as the diagnosis was clinically suspected, these infants received conventional treatment including phototherapy and were monitored closely for bilirubin levels. When bilirubin concentrations reached the risk point in spite of pjototherapy, IVIG was given at a dose of 1g/kg for... |
A statistical obsevation was performed on 13,317 cases of neonates who had been delivered at Taegu Catholic Hospital during the past 3 years from Jan. 1 st 1988 to Dec. 31 st 1990. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Among 13,317 neonates, the male was 7,234 and the femlae 6,083, with the sex ratio of male to female being 1.19:1 2) Percentage... |
To evaluate the relationship between spontaneous diuresis and improvement of pulmonary function in respiratory distress syndrome, 15 premature neonates requiring mechanical ventilation for RDS, who admitted in NICU of Wonkwang University Hospital from January 1990 to June 1992, were studied. The results were as follows(results are mean¡¾SEM) 1) Mean birth weight of study infants was 1.82¡¾0.08Kg, and mean gestational age was 32.80¡¾0.54... |
To determine the normal neonatal adrenal gland size, ultrasonographic examinations were performed in 145 newborn infants. They were divided into 3 groups according to the days of age. The group I is 1~3 days, group II is 6~9days and group III is 21~50days of age. 1) The adrenal gland size was as follows. In group I, the length was 29.05mm and the... |
The immune response to M. tuberculosis engages T-cell medicated reactions which determine the degree of resistance and also the clinical pattern of disease. Although antibodies produced by the infected host have yet no proven protection, they are appilicable for alternative diagnostic tests in tuberculosis. Preparation of purified antigens from Mycobacteria with specific antigenic determinants would improve serological diagnosis in tuberculosis. The... |
Mycobacteria cause diseases which occur the world over and whoich carry a considerable burden in morbidity, mortality and social problems. A battery of monoclonal antibodies specific for mycobacterial antigens would provide a useful tool for rapid diagnosis of mycobacterial diseases. Fourtenn monoclonal antibodies to perchloric acid soluble antigne of M. tuberculosis were produced. Immunoglobulin isotypes of monoclonal antibodies were ten... |
Henoch-Schölein purpura is a common pediatric disease presenting most frequently with skin, gastrointestinal, joint and renal manifestations. But in cases are infrequently only severe gastointestinal manifestations. It is hard to diagnose promptly and exactly. Clinical manifestations and laboratory findings were observed and analyzed in 20 cases with Henoch-Schölein purpura which were considered as acute abdomen, hospitalized at Kyung Hee university Hospital... |
30 cases of patients with nodule on the thyroid who visited Pediatric Clinic in PUN Hospital from Jan. 1985 till Dec. 1990 were studied and evaluated. All records of the patients were reviewed in regard to the physical examination, thyroid function test, radionuclide scanning, ultrasonogram and pathological findings of the tissues gained by fine needle aspiration or operation. The following results... |
Zonisamide was amministered to 20 patients with refractory epileptic seizures. The mean duration of the administration was 6 months, and the mean dosage was 7.2mg/kg/day. The efficacy of zonisamide was rated remarkable in 15% of the cases, improvement in 40%, and no change in 45%. The response rates of zonisamide were 62.5% for myoclonic seizures, 50% for tonic-clonic seizures, 80% for... |
The retrospective study was taken to study the serum trasnsaminase level and it's correlation with several symptoms in human rotavirus gastroenteritis. 494 children, who admitted to the Department of Pediatrics in Dae Dong Hospital from January 1991 to December 1991 with chief complaints of waterdy diarrhea were included in studies. The 1 st stool specimen on admission was tested for rotavirus Ag... |
The characterization of genetic variation at the level of DNA has generated significant advances in gene mapping and disease diagnosis, and forensic identification of individuals. It is now possible to identify individual DNA from various tissue specimens, like hair, using the PCR and oligonucleotide probes. To date, however, the number of hairs needed, the preservation conditions, and the kinds of hair... |
Fetal hydrops is often serious and associated with a high perinatal motality rate. Cardiac causes of fetal hydrops include congenital heart diseases and rhythm disturbances. An irregular fetal heart rate may indicate atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter with variable AV conduction. Fetal atrial flutter is characterized by the pressence of flutter waves which are regular sawtooth undulations in the baseline that... |
Alpasia cutis congenita is an anomaly characterized by absence of localized areas of the integument. The most common type of aplasia cutis congenita is Aplasia cutis congenita limited to the scalp, although other areas of the body may also be involved. We experienced a case of aplasia cutis congenita in a male newborn infant. The skin defects were extensive with symmetrical involvement... |
Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia (AMM) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by leukoerythroblastosis, tear-drop erythrocytes, extramedullary hematopoiesis with hepatosplenomegaly, and varying degrees of myelofibrosis. The mean age at presentation is about 60 years, and pediatric cases are rare. We experienced a case of AMM in 9 months old female who was presented with pallor, huge splenomegaly and intermittent fever. Peripheral blood showed leukoerythroblastosis... |