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Volume 13(9); Sep 1970
Original Articles
A Second look at of its incidence and importance in Pediatric Empyema
Sun Huh, Moon Hee Yang, Pyung Kil Kim, Kyung Soo Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):503-510.   Published online September 30, 1970
Twenty seven patients of pediatric emphysema which were observed during last 7 years at Severance Hospital were com paired its incidence and other clinical importance with previous observation of thirty three cases by Whang et al of Severance Hospital, Yonsei University. The following results were observed. 1. Incidence of pediatric empyema was decreased recently comparing with the previous observation. 2. The younger age group was the...
Development of Protein-rich Food Mixtures for Infants and Children in Korea (III) Clinical Observation on Infant Feeding of the Mixtures
Yong-Ku Kim, Sung-Keun Ahn, Jo-Ja Choi, Kyu-Eun Lee, Hyun-Keum Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):511-518.   Published online September 30, 1970
Nutritive foods for infants and children are not available commercially in large scale, except a limited amount of expensive milk products in Korea. Although the majority of infants are breast-fed, when it is not possible, rice products must usually be substituted which is not sufficient in protein in terms of its contents and amino acid composition. Thus, it is very urgent to develop low-cost...
Case Reports
A Case of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Congenita
Gilmary Simmons, , Soon Kyung Lee, Jong Chui Kim, Hee Tak Byun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):519-522.   Published online September 30, 1970
The author experienced a New born infant of osteogenesis imperfecta. Patient is characterized by- multiple fracture of bone, Blue sclera and deformity of long bones. The review of literature was made briefly.
Subdural Effusion as a Complication of Purulent Meningitis
J.S Kim, T.I Kim, M.N Lee, KS Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):523-526.   Published online September 30, 1970
A case of subdural effusion as a complication of purulent meningitis due to E. coli is reported. The diagnosis was established by the clinical findings and laboratory data. Review of Eterature concerning subdural effusion is briefly made.
Lipoid Granuloma of the Lung
Hyeok Kwon, Soo Ja Kim, Duk Jin Yun, Sang Yul Suh
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):527-530.   Published online September 30, 1970
The lipoid granuloma of the lung is not common in children, and there has been no report about childhood lipoid granuloma in Korea. We have found recently a case of lipoid granuloma arising in 13 year old boy. The patient was good in general condition and had no symptoms. A mass shadow on chest X-ray was found incidentally during follow up checking...
A Case Report of the Protein-Losing Enteropathy
Young Joon Son, Su Hwan Su Hwan, Yong Soo Cho, Sung Hoon Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):531-536.   Published online September 30, 1970
A case who considered to have the features of protein-losing enteropathy such as generalized edema, hypertrophy of the small bowel mucosa, hypoproteinemia, pleural effusion and ascites is reported. The study using Radioiodinated Serum Albumin demonstrated that the survival life of serum protein in patient was significantly shortened in compare to that of control group.
A Case of Hand-Schiiller-Christian Disease
Jong Chyul Kim, Soon Kyumg Lee, Gilmary Simmons , Hee Tak Byun, Choon Ja Nam Koong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):537-542.   Published online September 30, 1970
A Case of Hand-Schuller-Christian Disease in a 3 years old boy is presented. The patient had complaints of moderate exophthalmos, tenderness over skull and extremities, and emaciation. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical findings, radiological evdence and biopsy finding. The review of literature was made briefly.
小兒의 氣管支願睡
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):543-546.   Published online September 30, 1970
X-ray of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):547-547.   Published online September 30, 1970
E.K.G. of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):548-548.   Published online September 30, 1970
Original Articles
Abstract From Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(9):549-551.   Published online September 30, 1970