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Outcome of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Asian Children: A Multinational One-year Follow-up Study
Pornthep Tanpowpong, Suporn Treepongkaruna, James Huang, Kee Seang Chew, Karen Mercado, Almida Reodica, Shaman Rajindrajith, Wathsala Hathagoda, Yoko Wong, Way Seah Lee, Marion Aw
Background: Epidemiological data on pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD) have been reported in Asian countries. However, short-term follow-up data, especially in Southeast Asian countries, are limited.
Purpose: Analyze and compare the baseline and 1-year follow-up (1FU) data for PIBD in Asian children. Methods: The multinational network included patients with PIBD (aged <19 years) in five Asian countries (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,...