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Original Article
Effect of Resuscitation with High Concentration Oxygen on a Rat Model of Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury
Dong Seok Lee, Su-Hee Kwak, Heng-Mi Kim, Yoon Kyung Sohn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2001;44(11):1278-1288.   Published online November 15, 2001
Purpose : This study was undertaken to determine whether any features of apoptosis would occur in the established model of cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in neonatal rats. It was also undertaken to evaluate the effect of post-insult hyperoxia on hypoxic ischemic cerebral injury. Methods : Seven-day-old neonatal rats underwent unilateral carotid artery dissection followed by 2 hours of hypoxia. To this end...
Case Report
A Case of Neonatal Urinary Ascites due to Bladder Perforation Treated with Urinary Drainage
Heng-Mi Kim, Su-Hee Kwak, Sung-Kwang Jung, Sang-Kwon Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2001;44(8):948-953.   Published online August 15, 2001
Urinary ascites in newborns is a rare event that usually is associated with posterior urethral valves and other obstructing anomalies of the genitourinary tract. A case of neonatal urinary ascites without genitourinary tract abnormalities is reported. This premature male neonate was treated by artificial ventilation due to respiratory distress syndrome. The umbilical artery catheter was placed without difficulties and functioned...