To understand the hemolytic anemia (HA) in children, the diagnostic approach and management of hereditary and acquired HA are described. The hereditary hemolytic anemia (HHA) can be classified according to the pathogenesis into three types : RBC membrane defects, hemoglobinopathies, and RBC enzymopathies. Clinical characteristics, laboratory findings and molecular defects of these three types are presented briefly. In Korea,... |
Diamino-diphenyl-sulfone (Dapsone) is widely used in the treatment of leprosy and a variety of blistering skin diseases. It sometimes has adverse side effects with common usual doses, such as skin, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney and hematologic toxicity. One of these side effects is a rare but serious hypersensitivity reaction called dapsone syndrome, which occurs several weeks after the... |
Sideroblastic anemia is a rare, heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by hyperferremia, microcytic hypochromic anemia, and bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia with the presence of numerous ringed sideroblasts. We describe herewith the case of a rare coincidence of sideroblastic anemia and mitral valve prolapse with resultant regurgitation in a 2-year-old boy. In addition to the inherent propensity for the development of... |
Purpose : Obesity and iron deficiency are common nutritional problems. Obese children are known to have iron deficiencies, but one presented opposite opinion in Korea. This study investigated the prevalence of obesity and iron deficiency in Incheon and the relationship between iron deficiency and obesity. Methods : Physical measurement and hematologic examinations were done a 764 healthy female students aged 14... |
Purpose : This study investigated the breast-feeding period, the milk bottle-using period, the age of cow's milk, introduced and the amount of cow's milk consumed in relation to anemia. Methods : Over the course of three years, 930 children(12 months to 36 months) who went to the Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju, Korea were tested for anemia and their parents were surveyed... |
We encountered two children with lead poisoning who were administered herb medicinal pills recommended by their clergyman. These patients presented anemia and severe coliky abdominal pain, but no neurologic symptoms. For this reason, they were initially misdiagnosed with gastrointestinal hemorrhagic disease. However, we got a clue that they took herb medicinal pills. Finally, based on the assay of blood lead... |
Purpose : Flow cytometric automated reticulocyte analysis is a superior method to manual reticulocyte counting, with respect to precision and sensitivity. Furthermore, flow cytometric analysis is able to measure immature reticulocyte fraction(IRF) and reticulocyte cellular indices(RCI : cell hemoglobin content : CHr, mean cell volume : MCVr, cell hemoglobin concentration mean : CHCMr, distribytion width : RDWr, HDWr, CHDWr). In... |
Anemia can be defined as a reduction in blood hemoglobin concentration or red cell mass relative to age matched normal values. Clinical presentation may range from obviously pale and lethargy to an incidental finding during screening of an otherwise well appearing child. The differential diagnosis of anemia in each instance is broad with numerous possible etiologies. A careful history and... |
Aplastic anemia following acute hepatitis or acute hepatic failure is an uncommon disease and has a poor prognosis. We experienced a case of aplastic anemia following acute hepatic failure in a 10- year-old girl. She was admitted because of jaundice and lethargy for 8 days. Laboratory findings revealed marked elevated serum transaminases and bilirubin levels, prolonged prothrombin time and partial... |
Rothmund-Thomson syndrome(RTS), or poikiloderma congenita, is a rare, multisystem disorder. It is inherited genetically as an autosomal recessive trait, occurring predominantly in females(1.4 : 1). The RTS is comprised of poikiloderma, short stature, sparse hair, juvenile cataracts, skeletal defects, dystrophic teeth and nails, photosensitivity, and hypogonadism. We report a case of RTS who died of bleeding from esophageal varices, pulmonary... |
Purpose : Iron deficiency, particularly iron deficiency anemia(IDA) often not only decreases athletic performance but also impairs immune function and leads to other physiologic dysfunctions. This study was designed to assess and compare iron status and the IDA prevalence in female adolescent athletes with those of general adolescent students. Methods : Physical measurements and hematologic examinations were performed for adolescent... |
Purpose : The etiology of hemolytic anemia can be classified as either cellular or extracellular defects of red blood cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and laboratory findings of hemolytic anemia concerning its etiological classification. Methods : Clinical and laboratory findings of the patients with hemolytic anemia treated from January 1987 to May 2002 at Severance... |
Purpose : Iron deficiency is still the most common nutrient deficient disorder despite the improvement in general health and nutrition. This study is designed to evaluate the dietary history of infants and young children with iron deficiency anemia(IDA) and the effects of nutritional counseling. Methods : This study was conducted on 120 children from 6 to 36 months of age with... |
Purpose : Anemia is still the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide, especially in adolescence because of an insufficient supply of iron, an increased iron requirement due to accelerated physical growth and blood loss due to menstruation in girls. This study was designed to assess the anemia and serum iron status of middle school girls. Methods : Hematologic examinations, physical examinations and... |
Purpose : H. pylori infection was recently reported to be associated with unexplained iron-deficiency anemia(IDA) in children and adolescents. H. pylori-related IDA was thought to occur due to GI blood loss, scavenging of iron by H. pylori and iron malabsorption. The aim of this study was to examine how the status of H. pylori infection and age of children affected... |
Common variable immunodeficiency(CVID) is a heterogeneous collection of disorders with hypogammaglobulinemia with recurrent bacterial infections and high incidence of autoimmune disorders as its hallmark. We report a 7-year-old girl suffering from CVID with Coombs' test positive hemolytic anemia. She had been relatively well until 23-months old when she was admitted to Taejon St. Mary' s Hospital with pneumonia 5 years ago. Afterwards, she had... |
Purpose : Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency in young infants. This study was designed to determine feeding patterns in infants, and determine a correlation between feeding patterns and incidence of anemia. Methods : This study was conducted by taking blood tests (hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red cell indices) by venipuncture with the electronic counters from 221 infants aged 9-12... |
Purpose : The authors performed this study to find out the associated GI disease and H. pylori infection in children with iron-deficiency anemia(IDA). Methods : Twenty-six children older than 2 years with IDA and no history of insufficient iron intake were investigated from 1994 to 1998. Gastrofiberoscopic examination and biopsy and rapid urease test were performed with serum H. pylori IgG.... |
A 12-year-old boy developed pure red cell anemia(PRCA) during a combination therapy of antiepileptic drugs(AEDs) for epilepsy. His complex partial seizure was intractable to monotherapy. During 7 months of treatment, he was treated with Vigabatrin, Carbamazepine and Valproate. While switching from Carbamazepine to Valproate, he presented anemia but with no jaundice. His hemoglobin was 4.1g/dl bone-marrow biopsy revealed erythroid hypoplasia... |
Purpose : Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) is recognized as the cause of primary or unexplained gastrointestinal diseases in children as well as in adults. However, it is unclear whether H. pylori causes specific clinical symptoms or diseases. Therefore, we studied the clinical manifestations associated with H. pylori infection in consecutive symptomatic children undergoing diagnostic endoscopy. Methods : This study included 42... |
Purpose : We evaluated the response to immunomodulation therapy, long-term survival and relapse rate of aplastic anemia during follow-up for more than 1 year. Methods : Twenty-eight children, with moderate to severe aplastic anemia were followed for more than one year and 7 children expired after therapy, were analyzed. Antilymphocyte globulin(ALG) or antithymocyte globulin(ATG) by itself was given to 27 patients, and cyclosporine A(CsA)... |
Purpose : Infants undergo critical and rapid stages of growth. Optimal nutrition during this period is therefore essential. Iron deficiency is especially impotant and common. The aim of this study was to determine the present status and problems of milk feeding methods in infants with iron deficiency anemia and, futhermore, to develop appropriate feeding guidelines for adequate iron nutrition. Latate is the end product... |
Purpose : We investigated what kind of factors are the most stable among hemoglobin(Hb), hematocrit(Hct), MCV, MCH and RDW as a marker of discriminating anemia due to an acute inflammation from anemia of different origins. Methods : We evaluated 141 patients with Kawasaki disease who had been admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Inha hospital from 1990 to 1995. We... |
Purpose : We conducted randomized study to determine whether high doses(6mg/kg/ day) of iron would exert a more supplemental effect than low doses(3mg/kg/day), and which regimen of recombinant human erythropoietin(rHuEPO) and iron would be more beneficial in the prophylactic treatment of anemia of prematurity. Methods : We randomly assigned 38 sick premature infants who were more likely than symptom-free premature infants requiring erythrocyte transfusions for... |
Helicobacter pylori has become apparent that this organism is an etiologic agent of gastrits and peptic ulcer disease in humans. We present four cases of iron deficiency anemia, not specific causes, in 3 males and 1 female patients with Helicobacter pylori infection, who were treated with antibiotics and iron supplemented therapy. Diagnosis was confirmed by endoscopic biopsies and hematologic findings. A brief review of related... |
Purpose : Values for hemoglobin, erythrocyte indices and red cell distribution width used in the diagnosis of anemia and iron deficiency are known to vary to some degree according to age. We tried to define age-related changes in red blood cells (RBC) profiles. Methods : With the eletronic counters routinely used in clinical laboratories we evaluated the RBC profiles of 1,717 samples of blood from... |
Purpose : To determine whether the prophylactic treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin(rHuEPO) for the anemia of prematurity would reduce the need for blood transfusions. Methods : We randomly assigned 17 premature infants to therHuEPO group and the control group. For the rHuEPO group (n=9, birth weight=1210¡¾156 g, gestational age=31.7¡¾1.9wk), rHuEPO (400U/kg) was given three times a week for 4 weeks, plus iron (8 mg/kg/day) and vitamin... |
Purpose : Iron deficiency anemia(IDA) is the most common nutritional deficiency. in young infants. This study was designed to determine a correlation between the duration of breast feeding and the severity of IDA, and to determine the recommending start point of iron fortified diet. Methods : The correlation between duration of breast feeding, and severity of iron deficiency. and IDA was... |
Purpose : To study the incidence of iron deficiency anemia we conducted blood tests with questionnaire regrarding weaning status. We tried to figure out the relation between iron deficiency anemia and financial and educational levels of their parents. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance of screening for iron deficiency anemia at well baby clinic and educate mothers... |
Purpose : This study was conducted to get baseline data to establish a guideline for the infant nutrition by observing the feeding practice and nutritional intake during infancy and evaluationg the nutritional status of iron and lipids at 12-month-old infants. Methods : This survery was cnducted from July to November, 1992. Subjects were healthy infants who were brought to Yeungnam University... |
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