Iron overload from repeated blood transfusions in patients with hematologic problems is a problem of clinical significance, because eventually it can lead to secondary hemochromatosis with diabetes. So it is important to diagnose iron overload early and to restrict blood transfusions in these patients. Recently, we experienced one case of secondary hemochromatosis with diabetes in patient wi th congenital pure red... |
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis(EG) is a rare disease characterised histologically by eosinophilic infiltration of the gut wall. The clinical features depend on which layer and location are involved. Patients may be divided into three clinical groups as predominantly mucosal, muscle layer, or subserosal disease based on the histological site of eosinophilic infiltration of the bowel wall, although there is lften considerable overlap.... |
Purpose : Within a few days from birth, newborn infants are under conitions of normal physiologic changes. During this period, the certain newborn infants are confronted with a severe life-threatenling hematologic problems such as anemia. Therefore, prompt diagnosis of anemia and accurate identification of underlying causes would rather be essential to provide appropriate menagement. Methods : Eighty three newborn infants who... |
Immunosuppressive therapy based on the use of antilymphocyte globulin (ALG) has become standard therapy for patients with aplastic anemia who are not eligible for bone marrow transplantation. In this study, T cell subsets before and after ALG therapy, hematologic responses, complications and prognostic factors were analysed. Eleven (42%) out of twenty-six patients treated with ALG showed response, but... |
Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia Type II (herditary erythroblatic multinuclearity with positive acidfied serum test;HEMPAS) is characterized by binuclearity, multinuclearity, pluripolar mitoses, karyorrhexis of normoblasts, and the presence of abnormla antigens on the red cells. We experienced a case of HEMPAS in a 2 month old girl patient who had an intermittent fever, abdominal distention with palpable liver & spleen, and generalized jaundice. The... |
Iron deficiency remains the most common cause of anemia in infants and children despite increasing availability of iron-fortified foods. We screened out anemia in 9-month old infants in well baby clinic to know the prevalence of anemia and the weaning status. The results were as follows. 1) Among 345 infants screened, 24 infants(7%) were found to have anemia. 2) The king of anemia... |
We performed this study to evaluate the therapeutic responses of bone marrow transplantation and immunosuppressive therapy for aplastic anemia in 103 cases(68 severe and 35 moderate). Among them, 15 cases with severe aplastic anemia having HLA-identical sibling donor underwent bone marrow transplantation, and cases (53 severe and 35 moderate cases) without available HLA-identical sibling donor had received immunosuppressive therapy using... |
To determine the impact of intake large amount whole cow's milk (WCM) on iron status during early childhood(18~36 months), selected indices of complete blood count (CBC) and iron status were compared between the WCM large amount intake group (n=20) and small amount intake group (n=20). WCM large amount intake children's mean hemoglobin and mean hematocrit were 9.6¡¾1.7g/dl and 30.8¡¾4.5% respectively. These... |
The paramount importance of breast feeding for the health of the infants has been recognized by nutritionists and physicians. Although many advantages of the breast feeding, exclusive breast feeding without weaning diet or supplement food during prolonged period in infants may produce iron deficiency anemia. This study was conducted to find out the hematologic state in exclusively prolonged breast-fed infants among... |
Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive abnormality in the hepatic excretion of copper that results in toxic accumulation of the metal in liver, brain, and other organs. Hemolytic anemia frequently complicates the courses of Wilson disease and may be the initial clinical feature of Wilson disease. Since hemolysis may be preceding the onset of hepatic manifestation and Kayser-Fleischer ring is... |
Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia(CDA) is a rare disease characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis, specific cytopathology of the nucleated red cells in the bone marrow and secondary hemochromatosis. CDA is classified into 4 types on the basis of results of electron microscopic and serologic studies. We experienced a case of congenital dyserythropoietic anemia in a 5/12 year-old boy. Diagnosis was established by macrocytosis, anisopoikilocytosis in PB... |
We experienced two cases of Gaucher disease in brother and sister. The first case of 6 year old female showed hepatosplenomegaly with thrombocytopenia and characteristic Gaucher cells in bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. She is alive without complaints except abdominal distension. The second case of 3 year ~ 7 month old male showed hepatosplenomegaly with anemia and throm- bocytopenia. There were characteristic Gaucher cells... |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is manifestated as pneumonia and extra-pulmonary symptoms such as hematologic, neurologic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, dermatologic and cardiac manifes- tations. Among the hematologic changes, hemolytic anemia is most frequently seen. Throm- bocytopenic purpura, lymphocytosis or rarely lymphopenia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, positive direct Coombs test, reticulocytosis and DIC are known hematologic features. This 12 years old female patient was presented with pneumonia and pancytopenia.... |
Twenty, six children younger than 15 years with severe aplastic anemia underwent either bone marrow transplantation or immunomodulation therapy (antilymphocyte globulin with cyclosporin A therapy). Six patients who had an HLA-identical sibling donor underwent bone marrow transplantation after conditioning with cyclophosphamide, procarbazine and antilymphocyte globulin. Twenty children who did not have an HLA-identical donor recieved antilymphocyte globulin and cyclosporin A. The results were as follows; 1) Hematologic responses:... |
To study the relationship between large amount of whole cow’s milk (WCM) intake and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in early childhood, we carried out the study on 9 children with IDA, who were fed WCM, about 1,000 ml over 3 months, experienced at the department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital, during 5 months from March 1989 to July 1989. The results were as... |
Recently, We experienced a case of autoimmune hemolytic anemia in a 13 year old female patient associated with chronic hepatitis. This female child manifested severe pallor, jaundice, abdominal pain and fever. This diagnosis was made on the bases of typical clinical features, C.B.C., blood chemistry, coombs test, warm antibody, immunoelectrophoresis, peripheral blood smear and bone marrow examination. The patient improved with steroid therapy. We report this... |
This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence rate of anemia and iron deficiency in pubertal girls in urban and rural areas. Venous peripheral blood was sampled from 346 girls who were randomly selected from 1,900 students of one girls’ middle school in Taegu city and all of 311 girls attending two middle schools in rural area, one in Cheungdo county and, another... |
A clinical study was carried out to evaluate the efficacies of rHuEPO (recombinant human erythropoietin) in anemia of 7 chronic renal failure patients under dialysis at Seoul National University Children's Hospital from Feb. 1989 to Nov. 1989. The results were as follows; - 1) There was progressive increase of hematocrit levels in all 6 hemodialysis patients and mainte- nance dosage of rHuEPO to sustain hemoglobin... |
We experienced a case of aplastic anemia following hepatitis in a 4-year-old girl. Pancytopenia was developed during the convalescent period of hepatitis, and it was getting worse, while serial data of liver function test showed improvement. We tried a methylprednisolone pulse therapy, and about 7 months after treatment the CBC findings returned completely normal. She has enjoyed her healthy life during follow-up of over 2... |
A prospective study was conducted to see the therapeutic effect of iron deficiency anemia on a different oral iron doses. Studied patients consisted of 48 children with iron deficiency anemia who were admitted to our Pediatric Department during January 1988 - September 1989. Three groups were consisted with Group A (element iron dose 3 mg/kg/d, 16 cases), Group B (3 mg/kg/d with vitamin C... |
The congenital dyserythropoietic anemia refers to a group of hereditary disorders of erythropoiesis characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis, multinuclearity of erythroblasts, and secondary hemo- chromatosis. The authors report a case of anemia in a 4 month-old girl whose bone marrow showed dyserythropoietic features. A brief review of referential literatures was made. |
Thirty patients with aplastic anemia(fifteen severe aplastic anemia and fifteen moderate aplastic anemia) treated with antilymphocyte globulin and cyclosporin A as a kind of immunomodulation therapy were studied by analysing hematologic reseponses and complications. The results were as follows; 1) Nineteen out of thirty patients (63.3%) treated with anti lymphocyte globulin plus cyclosporin A showed responses (complete response of 33.3%, partial response of 30.0%). 2) Hematologic responses according... |
The anemia of acute infectious disease has come to attention recently, since iron deficiency anemia has decreased. We screened for anemia in children admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital due to acute infectious disease between January 1, 1986 and July 31, 1988, and studied the incidence and characteristics of anemia in acute infectious diseases. The result were as follows: 1) The incidence of anemia in acute... |
The study was designed to evaluate the effect of vitamin E on hemolytic anemia of premature infants. Sixty infants delivered in Cheil Hospital from March 1987 to December 1988 with birth weight below 2500 gm or gestational age below 37 weeks were studied. Thirty infants received oral vitamin E 25 IU/day until their birth weight doubled. Thirty infants served as control. The results were... |
We experienced a case of thiopental-induced hemolytic anemia with impairment of renal function after open heart surgery. The diagnosis was suggested by clinical features, CBC, urinalysis, transfusion reaction study and chemistry, and finally established by immunohematologic study. We detected antibody against thiopental in the patient’s serum (end-titer:1:16). The review of literature was made briefly. |
We observed a case of congenital hypoplastic anemia in a 6 months old female patient who was admitted because of severe anemia & failure to thrive and diagnosed through bone marrow aspiration. This patient had reticulocytopenia & increased M:E ratio (57.5:1). His hematologic improvement was followed by administration of prednisone. A brief review of related literature was made. |
Congenital diaphragmatic anomaly is a rare congenital malformation. A 6 year old boy with pale appearance and complaining of weakness for several months was diagnosed as having iron deficiency anemia as a result of congenital hiatal hernia. The diagnosis was confirmed by chest X.ray, esophagogram, upper gastrointestinal series and bone maπow biopsy After the hernia was successfully corrected by operation, the anemia was disappeared. Congenital... |
This investigational work-ups were studied in 303 cases of anemia including 45 cases of severe degree anemia retrospectively among total inpatients of 3387 in the Department of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital for recent two years form Mar. 1985 to Feb. 1987. The results were obtained as follows; 1) The orerall incidence of anemia among total inpatients(3387) was 8.9%(303 case). The incidence of severe anemia was... |
A hematologic study was undertaken on 60 cases of control group and 53 cases of iron deficiency anemia group who visited the outpatient department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University Hospital from January, 1984 to July, 1987 The results were as follows: 1) In 60 cases of control group between 1 to 15 year, hemoglobin was 12.5±1.7 gm/dl, MCV 82.4± 3.8 fl, and RDW 13.1 ±1.1% and... |
A 2-day-old male infant was admitted to the Incheon Christian Hospital due to severe jaundice. He was a third baby and his Rh phenotype was CcDEe. The direct antiglobulin test of the infant was strong positive. Eluates that were made from the infanfs elder brother and sister were both CDe. Her two previous infants showed no evidence of erythroblastosis. She had a past... |
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