Asphyxia is the most important perinatal cause of neurologic morbidity in infants. Recently, elevated levels of CK-BB have been demonstrated in serum after asphyxic insult in infants. To evaluate the possibility of using serial measurements of CK-BB activity as a diagnostic method and a predictor of neurologic outcome in asphyxiatic infants. We studied CK-BB activity in serum of asphyxiated infants(16... |
The goal of therapy of epileptic children is to control of seizures with minimal side effects of antiepileptic drug(AED). The relationship between side effects, serum levels and doses of AED were examined prospectively in 72 epileptic children who received monotherapy with phenobarbital, phenytoin, valproate, or carbamazepine for 6 to 26 months. Our results were as follows: 1) Side effects were observed in... |
Takayasu arteritis is a chronic inflammatory arteriopathy of unknown etiology affecting large vessels, particulary the aorta and its main branches. We experienced a case of Takayasu arteritis type III in a 9 years old girl. The diagnosis was made by physical examinations and digital subtration aortography(DSA) which showed occulsion of left subclavian artery and left renal artery and stenosis of abdominal... |
Surfactant replacement therapy in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) has been introduced in our country since May 1990. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect and short-term outcome of surfactant replacement for neonatal RDS using collective data of uncontrolled trials from different hospitals in Korea. For the period May 1990 to Dec. 1991, a total of 68... |
The causes of hypocalcemia in patients suffering from severe infection including sepsis are largely uncertain. So we measured serum albumin, total protein, cholesterol, PTH, and calcitonin of the infection-associated hypocalcemic chlidren and compared with those of normocalcemic children department of pediatrics of Gyeongsang National University Hospital. Hypocalcemic patients were compared to the decreased amount of serum albumin in the hypocalcemic... |
Anthracycline drugs are chemoterapeutic agents highly effective against a wide range of neoplasms. However, its administration may be complicated by cardiotoxic reactions. There is a continuum of increasing risk with increasing total dose of drug rather than an absolute cutoff point for total dose drug of that should not be exceeded under any circumstances. At the present time it appears that a... |
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the ventricular conduction abnormalities, especially RNNN, observed electrocardiographically after sugical closure of VSD. The present study population consists of 92 patients with VSD who were surgically corrected at the Hanyang University Hospital during 6 years period from Jan. 1985 to Dec. 1990. We reviewed their clinical records including surgical notes and EKG findings... |
In recent years pulmonary function tests have had a wide application in clinical pulmonary diseases. By combining a number of different pulmonary function tests, abnormality present in a particular patient can be defined. This narrows the list of possible diagnosis and allows to determine accurately the degree of impairment and assess the response to therapy. To assess the pulmonary function in... |
The accidental swallowing of foreign bodies by infants and children is a common problem. The proper methods of therapy must be carefully selected according to the age of the patient, the type of foreign body, the location of impaction, the duration of ingestion, and the available medical resoruces and skills. This report reviews 41 cases of ingested foreign bodies in... |
Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a primary or secondary disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which is associated with lymphatic dysfuction and protein-losing enteropathy. It's clinical manifestations vary widely, but the main symptoms are abdominal distention, edema, abdominal pain and growth failure. We described a 15-yr-old boy, who suffered from above symptoms since third year of his age and diagnosed by duodenal endoscopy which... |
The authors studied 25 cases with urinary tract infection associated with vesicoureteral reflux who were admitted to department of pediatrics, National Medical Center. The patients were managed medically or surgically and followed up. The results were summarized as follows; 1) There were no difference in age and sex distributions of the 25 cases with vesicoureteral reflux. 2) The degree of reflux classified by International... |
Since the urinary tract infection (UTI) in neonates is often associated with major urologic anomalies, early diagnosis is essential. In the screening of UTI by urine bag, contamination is a commonly encountered problem. Suprapubic bladder puncture has therefore been recommended as the best method to confirm UTI. The purpose of this study is to assess the frequency and characteristics of... |
We measured APR scores for the 100 newborns of having suspected systemic infection prospectively, and evaluated the clinical significance of the results of the APR scores; in fullterm babies and in premature babies. The percentage of high APR score group (≥2) was 81% in fullterm and 66% in premature babies. When the results of the APR scores were compared to the... |
Gastrofiberscopic findings and the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) were studied prospectively in children with recurrent abdominal pain (RAP). Endoscopic findings in 707 children with RAP revealed that 243 children (34.3%) showed abnormal findings including gastritis in 16.9%, duodenitis in 10.4%, esophagitis in 5.7%, duodenal ulcer in 5.7%, and gastric ulcer in 1.1% of children with RAP. Endoscopic biopsy of... |
Hemimegalencephaly is a rare brain malformation characterized by congenital hypertrophy of one cerebral hemisphere with ipsilateral increased volume of the white matter and dilatation of the lateral ventricle. We have experienced two cases of hemimegalencephaly in neonates who were admitted because of repetitive seizure. One case was simple hemimegalencephaly and the other case was combined by corpus callosum agenesis. Diagnosis was... |
Congenital Pelger-Huet anomaly is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by incomplete nuclear segmentation of neutrophils without functional disturbance. The morphology of these mature but hyposegmented neutrophils may be confused with that of immature neutrophils (bands), thereby suggesting bacterial infection. We experienced a case of congenital Pelger-Huët anomaly on routine hematologic examination in a 7-year old boy who was admitted because of... |
In order to assess the growth of the mitral valve, tricuspid valve, and the aortic and pulmonary pathways in the normal human fetus, 181 fetal echocardiograms taken from 127 pregnant women (some women had repeated examinations) were analysed. Diameters were measured from cross sectional images and were correlated with gestational period. The diameter ratios of tricuspid valve/mitral valve, aorta/main pulmonary artery,... |
The clinical characteristics and laboratory data in the twenty six patients of hemophilia diagnosed in the Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University Hospital for 8 years from 1983 were evaluated. The following results were obtained: Twenty one cases (80.7%) were diagnosed as hemophilia A and five cases (19.3%) as hemophilia B. Eleven cases (42.3%) were diagnosed under one year of age and the... |
Somatomedin C, the insulin-like growth factor I is suggested to mediate the growth-promoting effect of growth hormone. Sm-C, mostly bound to plasma protein forming an IGF-I protein complex, is slowly cleared from plasma and thus its plasma concentration is quite constant. A single sampling of blood for Sm-C is sufficient for the measurement of its concentration. For the evaluation of... |
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a clinical condition in which impaired intestinal propulsion causes recurrent symptoms of bowel obstruction in the absence of mechanical occlusion. In this paper a female neonate was presented with vomiting and abdominal distension in the first few days of life but passed normal meconium. Barium enema showed a microcolon and an abnormaly sited cecum. Malrotation of bowel... |
Basic experimental approach for rapid and acurate detection of respiratory syncitial virus (RSV) infection at gene level has been performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RSV RNA was extracted by RNAzolB methol from RSV which was cultured in Hep-2 cell line. Of RSV genome having about 8,000 base pairs, base pairs between 3237th and 3522nd were selected to make four... |
Although lower respiratory tract infection is a major cause of childhood morbidity in Korea and respiratory viruses are presumed to be important pathogens, there have been few studies available. We diagnosed RSV infection by virus isolation and immunofluorescence in children with lower respiratory tract infection, seen at Seoul National University Children's Hospital from Nov. 1990 to Jul. 1991. The results were... |
Acquired persistent cytomegalovirus infection was diagnosed by anti CMV antibody and lymph node biopsy and persisted in a 3-year-old boy with recurrent episode of high fever, lymphadenopathy hepatosplenomegaly and pneumonia. Initial immunologic abnormalities including low serum IgG, high IgM decreased T4 and T4/T8 ratio finally progressed to immunologic paralysis which was compatible to common variable immunodeficiency. This is the first case which... |
Transfusion-acquired perinatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in premature infants with a birth wight of less than 1,500 gm. This recognizable syndrome consisted of deterioration of respiratory function, hepatosplenogaly, unusual gray pallor with disturbing septic appearance, lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. We experienced transfusion-acquired CMV infections in 2 premature infants with a birth weight of... |
Anthracycline antibiotic adriamycin (doxorubicin) is presently considered to be a very effective chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of many human tumors. Adriamycin induced cardiomyopathy limits its clincal use. A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanism of cardiotoxicity with adriamycin, but none has yet been demonstrated. The effects of adriamycin on membrane potential and intracellular sodium ion... |
Anomalous origin of the pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta is a rare congenital cardiovascular anomaly which usually involves the right pulmonary artery. Because congestive heart failure and the pulmonary vascular obstructive changes develop early in life, early diagnosis and surgical correction are essential. We experienced two cases of anomalous origin of the right pulmonry artery from the ascending aorta; aorticopulmonary septal... |
Exercise and allergen challenges are the main tools to investigate the bronchial responsiveness in experimentally provoked asthma. It is recognized that LAR, which often follows early asthmatic response(EAR) by 3 to 10 hours after challenge, is more closely related to the basic pathogenetic mechanisms operating in bronchial asthma. Although exercise induces an EAR within the first hour similar to allergen... |
We experienced a case of Mckusick-Kaufman syndrome in a 14 day-old female neonate. She had hydrometrocolpos with vaginal atresia and polydactyly of feet associated with bilateral hydronephrosis and umbilical hernia. Hydronetrocolpos with vaginal atresia was corrected by abdominoperineal-vaginal pull through operation on 21st day of life. A brief review of related literatures was made. |
The syndrome of congenital hypopitutarism is a rare but well recognized entity. The typical clinical picture consists of presentation in infanncy with hypoglycemia, microgenitalia, and evidence of multiple anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies, but not diabetes inspidus. Recently, magnetic resonance imaging has disclosed a consistent abnormality in many patients with congenital hypopituitarism as well as idiopathic hypopituitarism characterized by an adenohypophysis... |
This study was performed to investigate delayed bronchoconstriction in 17 extrinsic asthmatic children with exercise induced asthma. Pulmonary function was monitored by PEFR and FEV1 prior to exercise and serially for ten hours after about 8 minutes up and down stairs exercise. Delayed bronchoconstriction was noted in four of seventeen patients (23.5%) at 5∼9hours after exercise and % fall in PEFR... |