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Volume 11(2); Feb 1968
Original Articles
The Follow-up Study of Tuberculin Tests after BCG Vaccination
Hyun Woo Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):57-64.   Published online February 28, 1968
Mantoux (1 tuberculin unit PPD) and patch (10t.u. PPD) tests were performed at the same time in 311 of BCG-vaccinated children under 7 years age group. 19 of them were multiple BCG-vaccinated orphans. Results of tests were analized and reactivities of each age group were compared to that of natural infection. Brief review of world literatures was involved in this...
Blood Pressure of Korean Boys and Girls
Kei Young Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):65-72.   Published online February 28, 1968
An attempt to the determination of normal blood pressure values about Korean boys and girls ranging between 6 years and 15 years of age was made. The measurement of casual blood pressure followed the recommendation made by American Heart Association was carried out in resting state and exciting or irritative state in the Hospital, during May, June and September, October,...
Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis in Childhood
S.Y. Lee, S.C. Kang, C.S. Ra, C.Y. Hong, Y.K. Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):73-80.   Published online February 28, 1968
Five cases of chronic constrictive pericarditis were presented. The youngest patient was 5 year-old and all of 5 cases were male. The common chief complaints were abdominal distention and dyspnea with the duration between 5 months to 3 years. Engorgement of neck vein and hepatomegaly were found in all 5 cases. Ascites and abdominal distention were found in 4 cases....
Recurrent Pneumococcal Meningitis
Suk Kyu Kim, Seung Wook Lee, Dong Hak Shin, Jip Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):81-86.   Published online February 28, 1968
A case of pneumococcal meningitis which showed five times of recurrence was observed. Although several authers reported that the underlying factor of recurrent pneumococcal meningitis is to be defect of the skull or dura, there, at this case, was a large opening about lmm in diameter at tegmen tympani, which was found at the fifth hospital admission. It has clinically...
Case Reports
A Case Report of Ginkgo Biloba 1“ Fruits Intoxication
Hyn-Keum Lee, Sook-Hee Kim, Chang-Hee Kim, Kil-Won Song
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):87-90.   Published online February 28, 1968
The authors presented a case of Ginkgo biloba L. fruits intoxication in a two years old girl. The patient was admitted with chief complains of abrupt vomiting, severe convulsive attack and continuous unconciousness after nine hours taking fresh fruits of Ginkgo biloba L. She was treated with fluid infusion and anticonvulsant drugs, recovered completely and discharged in fine condition two...
Two Cases of Spontaneous Fractures in Miliary Tuberculosis and Tuberculous Meningitis
Chang Hyup Kim, Jong Hyuck Lee, Kyung Ja Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):91-94.   Published online February 28, 1968
Only few cases describing spontaneous fractures in tuberculous meningitis were reported in the literatures. Recently, we experienced two such cases, who daring their treatment for miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous meningitis developed spontaneous fractures of the lower extremities. Case 1: A 3 year and 4 month old Korean boy was admitted to Hanil Hospital on September 8,1966, with chief complaints of...
Persistent Ostium Atrioventriculare Commune(Report of a Case Associated with Multiple Anomalies of Viscera)
Jae Hak Seo, Yong II Lee, Han Woong Choi, Je G. Chi, Sang In Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):95-100.   Published online February 28, 1968
This 1.8 kg-weighing premature male baby was admitted to the department of Pediatrics, Han II Hospital through emergency room because of high fever, dyspnea and peripheral cyanosis on Sept. 31, 1965. This baby was spontaneously delivered on 34 weeks of gestation. Initial crying and disappearance of cyanosis after birth were not delayed. But his parents noticed the difficulty of respiration and...
Inter-departmental Knowledge for Pediatrician〔X〕Application of Radioisotope in Pediatrics
Janggyu Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):101-106.   Published online February 28, 1968
Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
K.H Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):107-108.   Published online February 28, 1968
X-ray of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):109-109.   Published online February 28, 1968
E.K.G. of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):110-110.   Published online February 28, 1968
Original Articles
Abstract from Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(2):111-113.   Published online February 28, 1968