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Volume 16(8); Aug 1973
Diagnosis of Allergic Disease
S.Y. Kang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):589-595.   Published online August 31, 1973
Distribution of Aeroallergen in Seoul
C.J. Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):596-600.   Published online August 31, 1973
Food Allergy
C.H. Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):601-603.   Published online August 31, 1973
Asthma in Children
K.C. Son
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):604-607.   Published online August 31, 1973
Infection & Allergy
Y.D. Yu
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):608-609.   Published online August 31, 1973
Drug Therapy in Allergic Disease
H.R. Moon
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):610-615.   Published online August 31, 1973
Original Articles
The Clinical Study of Congenital Syphilis
M. Ahn, K.Y. Choung, K.Y. Lee, D.S. Chin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):616-622.   Published online August 31, 1973
This paper is a clinical review of 68 cases of congenital syphilitic newborn infants. Of these, 45 cases were dmitted to Pediatric Department of Severance Hospital from Jan. 1965 to July 1972 via out patient dyspensary and 23 cases were born in Severance Hospital frohi Jan. 1967 to July 1972. 0. 54% of the total pediatric patients admitted from...
A Statistical and Clinical Studies of Typhoid Fever in Clildhood
Eun Yel Yum, Eeung Kyu Kim, Hae Jin Kim, Pang Chi Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):623-629.   Published online August 31, 1973
Clinical studies were made on 122 patients who had treated for typhoid fever at Kwangju Christian Hospital, Department of Pediatrics from April 1967 to July 1972. The results were presented as follows: 1.Seasonal incidence was greatest in September with 17.2%, but generally similar distribution in spring, summer and fall. 2.There was no significant difference according to sex (50.8% and 49.1% female)....
Case Report s
A Case of Renal Rickets Combined with Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Urinary Bladder
Young Im Kim, Heung Kyu Kim, Young II Kim, Pang Chi Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):630-634.   Published online August 31, 1973
We had a case of renal rickets combined with rhabdomyosarcoma of the urinary bladder. A 9month old male who was admitted to our Kwangju Christian Hospital with the chief complaint of hematuria and dysuria on May 1972. It is considered that renal richet was probably caused by renal insufficiency secondary to urinary tract obstruction and infection. Radiological studies (chest, wrist joint,...
Case Reports
A Case of Perforated Duodenal Ulcer
Heung Kyu Kim, Young Im Kim, Pang Chi Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):635-638.   Published online August 31, 1973
A case of perforated duodenal ulcer was found in a 2-year-old female, who was treated with antacids, gastrectomy, simple closure, blood transfusion, and other supportive therapy. She was well one year after discharge from this hospital. The literature on this subject was reviewed.
Case Report s
A Case of Idiopathic Hypersplenism Successfully Treated with Splenectomy
Ghun Shik Ihm, Ton Sang Park, Ki Young Lee, Duk Jin Yun
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):639-642.   Published online August 31, 1973
Idiopathic hypersplenism is a rare disease in childhood. Recently,we experienced a case of idiopathic hypersplenism in a 6 year old boy who had longstanding history of pallor, bleeding tendency and large palpable mass on his left upper abdomen. He was treated successfully by splenectomy and we report this case with review of literatures.
Case Reports
A Case of Sclerema Neonatorum
Ghun Shik Ihm, Won Chull Kim, Chan II Park
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):643-646.   Published online August 31, 1973
Sclerema neonatorum is an uncommon and fatal disease characterized by a diffuse, rapidly spreading, nonedematous, tallow-like hardening of the subcutaneous tissue of infants in the first few weeks of life. Recently, we experienced a case of sclerema neonatorum in 1/12 year old male infant suffered from diarrhea and tallow-like hardening of both buttocks. He was treated successfully with corticosteroids. A brief...
Abstract from Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):647-647.   Published online August 31, 1973
Literature Index of Foreign Journals
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1973;16(8):648-652.   Published online August 31, 1973
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