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Volume 13(11); Nov 1970
Original Articles
Clinical observation of five cases of thyroid disease in Childhood
Chung Kyu Kim, Chui Hee Lee, Sung Hoon Cho
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):619-624.   Published online November 30, 1970
The thyroid disorder is not infrequently seen in the period o£ childhood. It has been a interest that why hyperthyroidism, chronic thyroiditis and thyroid tumors are frequently appear in the puberscent period, as well as somewhat poorly understood physiology of the thyroid gland in the adolescence and hypothyroidism. Authors experienced two cases of hypothyroidism, two cases of simple goiter, and a...
A Clinical Study on Dysentery in Childhood
S.J. Choi, S.Y. Hong, G.J. Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):625-632.   Published online November 30, 1970
Total 305 cases of acute diarrhea during the period of 3 years were subjected in this study. All of these 305 patients were admitted in the pediatric ward of Ewha Womans University Hospital from September of 1966 to August 1969, and 109(35. 7%) out of 305 diarrhea cases were investigated as dysenteries. One hundred and nine cases of dysenteries were...
Treatment of diabetes insipidus with chlorpropamide
Kibok Kim, Kyu-Hae Chung, Yang Hyun Park, Kyung Woo Cho, Young Johang Kook
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):633-638.   Published online November 30, 1970
In two cases of diabetes insipidus (a five-year-old girl and a eight-year-old boy), oral administration of chlorpropamide in doses of 125~250 mg per day produced marked antidiuresis and concentration of urine. It was noted that the agent was effective also in the vasopressin-insensitive case (8-year-old boy). During the treatment endogenous creatinine clearance and the amount of sodium excreted, as well...
A study of anemia in infant and Child and sociomedical relationships
In Moo Huh, Sung Kwan Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):639-644.   Published online November 30, 1970
The author observed the incidency of anemia and sociomedical relationships of it in Kimcheon city and Keumnung Koon area from June 1966 to May 1968. A total of 863 cases were observed and the results obtained are as follows. 1. Rate of anemia by age and incidency. The anemia incidency was 28. 7%, from 1 month to 6 months; 16.9%, 1〜1 1/2y;45....
Case Reports
Methemoglobinemia associated with salmonellosis (A case report and Review of the literature)
Duk Hi Kim, Hyung- Sun Yoon, Pyung Kil Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):645-650.   Published online November 30, 1970
We experienced a patient of acquired methemoglobinemia arising from a 13 years old girl. The patient was suffered from high fever for seven days and generalized cyanosis for one day. This cyanosis proved to be due to abnormal high level of methemoglobin (3. 83 gm%) which was measured by Evelyn Malloy’s technique. The cause of high fever was salmonellosis, which...
A Case of congenital Choledochal Cyst having only Reccurrent Abdominal Colic
Jae Seung Lee, Joo Ryong Kim, Dong Shik Chin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):651-656.   Published online November 30, 1970
Congenital choledochal cyst is a rarity throughout the world and its symptoms are variable and its diagnosis is not very easy. Several cases have been reported in Korea and they had more than two symptoms of the classic triad such as abdominal mass, jaundice and upper abdominal pain. A case of congenital choledochal cyst found in an 11 3/12 year...
A Case of Ganglioneuroma in Childhood
Ki Sub Chung, Hyeong Seok Yi, Duk Jin Yun, Sung Nok Hong, Hong Yul Choi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):657-662.   Published online November 30, 1970
Ganglioneuroma is a rare benign neurogenic tumor which arises from sympathetic nervous system. It has a wide distribution but is located frequently in the posterior mediastinum. In Korea there is no report of ganglioneuroma in childhood. We observed a case of ganglioneuroma which arised from sympathetic nerve ganglia in the posterior mediastinum in all year old girl, and the tumor was...
X-ray of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):663-663.   Published online November 30, 1970
E.C.G. of This Month
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):664-664.   Published online November 30, 1970
Original Articles
Abstract From Foreign Literature
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(11):665-667.   Published online November 30, 1970