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Volume 28(1); Jan 1985
Original Articles
Statistical Observation for Pediatric Inpatients the Second Report Statistically Analyzed for the Patients Admitted to the Department of SRCH.
Tae Suk Song, Yoon Suk Jeong, Ho Jin Park, Mi Ja Shin
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):1-15.   Published online January 31, 1985
This paper represents the statistical observations concerning the causes of admissions and deaths observed in the Pediatric Department of Seoul Red Cross Hospital, during the past 5 years from Jan. 1, 1976 to Dec. 31, 1980. The results were as follows: 1)The total number of pediatric inpatients during 5 year-period was 3,728, of which 2,278 were male, 1,450 were female and...
Spontaneous Pneumothorax in the Newborn.
Dong Gwan Han
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):16-24.   Published online January 31, 1985
A retrospective 13 medical records of symptomatic and spontaneous pneumothorax of newborn has been reviewed, which occurred during last 13 years from Jan. 1971 through Dec. 1983 at Pediatric Department of Yonsei Medical School. Spontaneous pneumothorax was defined one with pneumothorax which was not given positive pressure or intubation. And following results W6re obtained; 1)The incidence of spontaneous pneumothorax in...
The Effect of Antitoxin in Neonatal Tetanus.
Myung Dong Ahn, Tae Joo Whang, Chull Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):25-32.   Published online January 31, 1985
Mortality rate of Neonatal tetanus was assessed in 198 casss out of 219 patients during 10 years(1970~1979) according to the amounts of administered antitoxin dosages in a prospective and randomized trial. Mortality rate of Neonatal tetanus administered antitoxin 10,000 I.U. averaged 64.2%, whereas that of Neonatal tetanus administered antitoxin 20,000, 40,000, 60,000 and 100,000 I.U. averaged 60.9%, 78.0 c, 57.1% and!...
A Study on Factors Influencing the Prognosis of Epidemic Encephalitis.
Jong bum Kim, San Ho Kim, Bock Keun Kee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):33-39.   Published online January 31, 1985
58 cases of epidemic encephalitis admitted to the Pediatric Department of Won Kwang University Hospital during the period of August to October 1982 were studied. The results were as follows; 1)Much sequelae occured in 0~5 age group and the mortality rate was highest in 6~10 age:group. The ratio of male to female patientwas 1.76 : 1. 2) The comparison of living...
Evaluation of Epidemic Encephalitis Vaccine.
Kap Seoung Kim, Yeo Joong Kim, Tai Ju Kwang, Chull Sohn
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):40-44.   Published online January 31, 1985
To evaluate the effect of Epidemic Encephalitis vaccine, the authors compared vaccinated group with non-vaccinated group at the point of morbidity, sequelae and mortality in Cho- nnam area, 1982. 551,660 children(43.4%) out of the total 1,270,669 children who aged 3 to 15 year old were vaccinated, and vaccinated history was confirmed 179 only out of the total 647 Epide- mic Encephalitis patients. The results were summaried...
Idiopathic Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis in Children.
Hae Il Cheong, Hee Shang Youn, Whan Jong Lee, Yong Choi, Kwang Wook Ko, Yong Il Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):45-57.   Published online January 31, 1985
Among total 452 children with percutaneous kidney needle biopsy due to renal disease in the Department of Pediatric, Seoul National University Hospital, from Jan. 75 to Nov.84, 20(4.4%) were confirmed as embranoproliferative glomerulonephritis(MPGN) histopathologically. And 4 out of these 20 were excluded from this report because of association of systemic disease. A review of clinical and pathological findings of the...
Captopril in Children with Renovacular Hypertension.
Yong Choi, Hoan Jong Lee, Hee Young Shin, Kwang Wook Ko, Chang Yee Hong
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):58-67.   Published online January 31, 1985
Captopril, a kind of converting enzyme inhibitors, is a promising anti-hypertensive drug, which is developed recently, and studied mainly in adult patients. We administered captopril to 4 children with renovascular hypertension, three of them accompanied Takayasu's arteritis and the remainder had isolated lesion. Three to five times of initial trials were performed on each patient with 12.5 mg of captopril....
Case Reports
A Case of Spontaneous Gastric Perforation of the Newborn.
Sung Won Kim, Sang Wook Song, Kyung Tae Kim, Jung Hee Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):68-72.   Published online January 31, 1985
This is acase report of the gastric perforation occured in a 4 days old full-term normal bady. She had been well until 4 days of age, when vomitting was noted, and cynosis, respiratory distress, progressive abdominal distension were developed, rapidly. X-ray finding of the abdomen revealed large amount of free air under the both diaphragm, strongly suggesting the perforation of GI...
Two cases of Aplastic Anemia Following Hepatitis.
Chang Yeol Jeon, Beyung Sang Choi, Hyeon Sook Lee, Jung Soo Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):73-77.   Published online January 31, 1985
Recently, we experienced two cases of aplastic anemia following hepatitis in 6 and 12year old boys. A 6 year old boy was admitted to Jeonbug National University Hospital in Dec. ’82, because of frequent expistaxis and petechiae on entire body. He had a history of hepatitis 2 months ago. On admission liver function was normal and pancytopenia was revealed. Bone...
Adrenaogenital Syndrome with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.
Kyeong Rae Moon, Yeong Bong Park, Sang Gi Kim, Jin Heon Kim, Chang Soo Ra, Jae Hong Seo, Ho Won Hwang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):78-84.   Published online January 31, 1985
Adrenogenital syndrome is caused by a defect in biosynthesis of adrenal corticoids as a result of deficiency in one of the essential enzymes, most commonly 21-hydroxylase. About 50% of 21-hydroxylase deficiency have salt losing type as a result of aldosterone deficiency. We have experienced a casa of adrenogenital syndrome associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (salt losing form) in a 3...
Two Cases of Hand-Schuller-Christian Disease in Monozygotic Twin.
Pyoun Han Hwang, Ju Hyung Kim, In Soo Choi, Jung Soo Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):85-89.   Published online January 31, 1985
Authors experienced two cases of Hand-Schuller-Christian disease developed simultaneously in 35 month old male monozygotic twin. So we report with literature review briefly as follow. The elder had the complaints of polyuria, exophthalmos, skin lesion. The younger had the complaints of mild exophthalmos and skin lesion. They were confirmed by clinical and pathological features and radiological examination. But patients died...
A Case of Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
Sang Wook Song, Hu Seok Jung, Kyung Tae Kim, Jung Hee Lee
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):90-94.   Published online January 31, 1985
Osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited disorder of connective tissue that affects the skeleton, ligaments, skin, sclera and dentin. We experienced a 2 month old female infant of osteogenesis imperfecta. The present case showed failure to thrive, multiple fracture of the bone, thinning of cortex, osteoporosis, blue sclera, high-arched palate and craniotabes. For the treatment of the fracture of right femur,...
A Case Report of Syringomyelia.
Myung Kul Yum, Hye Sun Lee, Hee Sang Yoon, Yong Seung Hwang, Hyun Jip Kim
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):95-98.   Published online January 31, 1985
We reported a case of syringomyelia in a 9 year old boy. His major problem was left side hemiparesis and sensory loss. Diagnosis was made by myelography and spinal CT with the use of metrizamide, and was confirmed by surgical exploration. The hemiparesis and sensory loss improved after lamincetomy and decompression.
A Case of Phenylketonuria.
Ki Suk Bahn, Jin Yong Lee, Chang Jun Coe
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):99-102.   Published online January 31, 1985
Lately, we experienced a case of classic PKU and we report this with reviewing the references.
A Case of Werdnig Hoffmann Disease.
Woo Jung Kim, Dong Ku Lee, Kyung Tai Whang
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):103-106.   Published online January 31, 1985
We experienced a case of Werdnig Hoffmann disease in a 3 months old male infant who was hospitalized for work-up of delayed development. He was noted to be “floppy” by the parents since age 1 month and the state began steady to decline progressively. Neurologic examination revealed the baby was markedly hypotonic and could not hold head up on, however,...
Histiocytic Medullary Reticulosis with Features of Necrotizing Lymphadenitis.
Kwang Wook Ko, Je Geun Chi
J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):107-107.   Published online January 31, 1985
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