Purpose : There have been high rates of false positive and recall in neonatal screening test using the cut-off points set by the manufacturing company. So, it is necessary to re-evaluate the cut off values to minimize the false positive rates. Methods : We collected capillary blood in dry filter paper from 996 healthy neonates on the third day in cases... |
Purpose : To see if a similar relationship exists between the decreased number of circulating neutrophils and the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD) in preterm infants, we tried to test the hypothesis that claims that preterm infants, who develop BPD, have decreased number of circulating neutrophils than those who do not develop BPD. Methods : A retrospective cohort study was conducted in... |
Purpose : Surfactant replacement therapy significantly decreases neonatal complications and mortality in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome(RDS), but clinical responses to the treatment is not consistent. An analysis of the perinatal factors influencing the clinical response to the therapy is important for early detection of high risk and prognosis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the clinical... |
Purpose : Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) of prematurity is very important disease to study because it causes many cases of perinatal morbidity and its incidence is now increasing. Nowadays indomethacin is the drug of choice for PDA closure, but its use has been limited due to its side effects. Therefore, we compared the effect and side effects of indomethacin according to... |
Purpose : Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) of prematurity is very important disease to study because it causes many cases of perinatal morbidity and its incidence is now increasing. Nowadays indomethacin is the drug of choice for PDA closure, but its use has been limited due to its side effects. Therefore, we compared the effect and side effects of indomethacin according to the infusion method, continuous... |
Purpose : Most neonatal abdominal masses are benign in nature, but early detection and management is important to avoid the development of complications. So, we studied the causes of neonatal abdominal masses and the efficacy of ultrasonography for early detection and diagnosis. Methods : We reviewed 36 newborn infants with abdominal masses who had been admitted to the nursery and Neonatal... |
Purpose : Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) is a common disease in very low birth weight infants(VLBWI). Hemodynamically significant PDA increases the morbidity and mortality of premature infants. Based on experimental model, light inhibits the constriction of immature piglet' s ductal rings. No specific mechanism adequately explains the effect of light on the relaxation of PDA. Several hypotheses, including activation of photosensitive metabolites, alterations in receptors, or... |
Purposes : Nitric oxide(NO) is classified as toxic gas in native states, but in most biologic systems NO acts as a messenger molecule. NO is known as endothelium derived relaxing factor that modulates tone of vascular smooth muscle. Inhaled NO has been reported to act as a selective pulmonary vasodilator and we expect that NO inhalation can be used as a successful treatment modality... |
Purpose : The genital mycoplasmas: Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis have recently assumed an increasing importance as neonatal pathogens especially in preterm infants. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of infections with these organisms in newborn infants who were admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU) and who were suspected having infection in newborn nursery Methods : Sixty four inborns who... |
Purpose : Retinopathy of prematurity(ROP) continues to be a serious problem in infants who survived with neonatal intensive care. Nevertheless, there is neither available data about the incidence of ROP which may be the basis of the epidemiology, nor analysis of the risk factors of ROP in Korea. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the incidence of... |
Over a continuous 4-year period, from January 1989 till December 1992, 7,100 infants were born in Department of Obstetrics and admitted to Nursery or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Department of Pediatrics of Seoul National University Children's Hospital. Among them, 126 cases were diagnosed as respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of newborn. The total incidence of RDS among all the newborns(inborn)was 1.77%.... |
We studied the effects of chronic hyperoxia (>95% oxygen for 14 days) in change of body weight, wet to dry ling weight ratio, and morphologic changes of lung tissue compared with that of room air (21% oxygen for 14 days) in Sprague-Dawley neonatal rat pups. The results were as follows: 1) In neonatal rat pups exposed to room air (normoxia group), body... |
We analyzed neurodevelopmental outcome data of 36 selected studies. Data of individual studies were pooled by birth weight group: <800g, <1,000g, <1,500g and by time period of birth year: Period I(pre-intensive care era), 1960-67:Period II(beginning period of intensive care), 1968-76:and Period III(established period of intensive care), 1977-87. In all weight groups, survival and intact outcome rates based on live birth have... |
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is common in the premature infants and occurs mainly in subependymal germinal matrix. In contrast, IVH in the term infants is rare and different in pathogenesis and bleeding sites from those of the premature infants. Most studies of IVH in term infants have been studied by computerized tomography and postmortem examination. Brain ultrasonography which has become a... |
The 45 neonates with bronchopulmonary dysplasia among 355 neonates who were managed with mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy in NICU of Seoul National University Chhildren's Hospital from January 1, 1968 to December 31, 1991, were analyzed for risk factors and outcome. The results were as follows: 1) The incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia was 12.7% 2) Respiratory Distress Syndrome was most common underlying problem. 3)... |
A large proportion of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) are women of reproductive age. Their fetal outcome is undoubtedly less favourable than in haelthy women. Although there is no evidence of an increase in congenital anomalies, increased frequencies of miscarriage, stillbirth, growth retardation, and preterm delivery are recognized It mainly depends on the compromise of uteroplacental circulation such as renal... |
Cystic hygroma is a true, benign, congenital multi-cystic tumor. It is thought to be arised from failure of the lymphatic system to communicate with the venous system. Frequently it occurs at birth, and it is found most commonly in the neck as painless and fluctuant mass. For many years, surgical excision has been considered as the treatment of choice. However, excision... |
Transfusion-acquired perinatal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in premature infants with a birth wight of less than 1,500 gm. This recognizable syndrome consisted of deterioration of respiratory function, hepatosplenogaly, unusual gray pallor with disturbing septic appearance, lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. We experienced transfusion-acquired CMV infections in 2 premature infants with a birth weight of... |
The clinical pictures of 44 children with IgM antibody to CMV (cytomegalovirus) by ELISA(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) were reviewed retrospectively, and the significance of serum CMV specific IgM antibody and virus isolation in the urine was analyzed. Age of the patients with IgM antibody to CMV ranged from 23 days to 8 years 7 months, and median age was 2 months.... |
Children commonly complain of suffering fever ; however, as studies have demonstrated, parents of a febrile infant or young child are inclined to become overly concerned. The pupose of this study was to investigate the perceptions and attitudes of medical personnel as well as parents. The parents of 189 children and 150 medical personnel (47 nurse-aides, 56 nurses, and 47 doctors)... |
Congenital cystic diseases of the lung (CCDL) is a clinical group of disorders characterized by a cystic appearance of pulmonary tissue. It can be classified into four distinct categories: 1) Congenital lobar emphysema (CLE), 2) Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM), 3) Pulmonary sequeestration (PS), and ^Bronchogenic cyst (BC). 24 patients with CCDL admitted to the Seoul National University Children’s Hospital from January 1984 to June... |
The widespread introduction of mechanically assisted ventilation into the neonatal intensive care during the 1960s substantially improved the outcome of sick newborn infants, particularly those with respiratory disorders. We studied the clinical features of 82 neonates, who were treated with mechanically assisted ventilation in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Seoul National Univer- sity Children’s Hospital from January 1986 to August 1989 (the second... |
Pulmonary vascular air embolism is a rare, and almost invariably fatal complication of positive pressure ventilation of newborn infants. There have only been 53 cases described in the world literature to date. We have experienced a case of pulmonary vascular air embolism in a premature newborn as a complication of mechanical ventilation during the course of respiratory distress syndrome. The pathophysiology and clinical characteristics of... |
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common disease that occurred in 20 〜 40 percent of premature infants. The incidence of PDA is inversely related to the gestational age and birth weight. Hemodynamically significant PDA increases the morbidity and mortality of premature infants. So, the management of PDA is one of the major problems in neonatal intensive care unit. Based on experimental animal studies,... |
Clinical courses of 12 neonates who were confirmed as neonatal bacterial meningitis by CSF culture or CSF latex agglutination test from January, 1986 to June, 1990, emphasizing on their complications and treatments, were evaluated. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The most common etiologic organism was E. coli (33.3%). 2) Two most common complications were ventriculitis (66.7%) and hydrocephalus (66.7%). 3) EVD with intraventricular antibiotics therapy was only... |
저자들은 최근 5년 8개월 동안 서울대학교병원 소아과에서 경험한 태아 및 신생아기의 심부정맥 24 례에 대하여, 이들의 심전도, 심초음파도, 24시간 심전도 소견 및 임상 기록을 통하여,부정맥의 유 형과 여러 연관 요소에 대한 임상적 분석을 시행하였다. 발견된 부정맥은 심실조기수축 7례, 심방조 기수축 5례,상실성 빈맥 7례,동성서맥 2례, 심방조동 1례, 지속적인 1도 방실 블록 1례, 심실 빈맥 1례였다. 심장 이상은 10례(2 ASD : 4례, PDA : 1례,ASD+VSD :... |
Fourteen patients who had developed a chylothorax in childhood during a ten year period, from Jan. 1979 to July 1989, were reviewed by their hospital records. The chylothoraces occurred most frequently as complications of cardiothoracic surgeries in eight patients(57%). Four cases followed extrapericardial operations such as ligation of PDA and take-down of Blalock-Taussig shunt, and four cases followed intrapericardial operations such as corrective operations... |
Acute pyogenic arthritis of hip is a serious infection that can lead to truly devastating complica- tions especially in neonatal period and infancy. Clinical survey on twelve neonates and infants (14 hip joints) with acute pyogenic arthritis of hip who were admitted to the Departments of Pediatrics and Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1989 were done. The results... |
34 very low birth weight infants weighing 1,500 gms or less, who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Seoul National University Children’s Hospital, were routinely studied with serial real-time brain ultrasonography from August 1, 1986 to July 31, 1988. Their medical records and the results of brain ultrasonography were analyzed to evaluate propor- tion, severity, timing, clinical findings, outcome, associated periventricular... |
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