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Case Report
A Case of Congenital Chylothorax in a Premature Infant
Su Kyeong Oh, Young Hye Jeong, Youn Jee Choi, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2001;44(4):460-463.   Published online April 15, 2001
We experienced a case of isolated fetal pleural effusion diagnosed by antenatal ultrasonogram in the 33th week of gestational age. Chest PA at birth showed massive pleural effusion in both lungs. The serous pleural fluid changed to a milky nature after feeding so we diagnosed it as congenital chylothorax. The infant was managed by chest tube drainage, NPO & TPN...
A Case of Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa
Hyun Chul Chae, Kyung Hee Choi, Mi Soo Ahn, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1995;38(10):1422-1428.   Published online October 15, 1995
Polyarteritis nodosa(PAN), one of the necrotizing vasculitis involving predominantly small and medium sized arteries, is rare disease. PAN may affect many organs such as kidney, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, muscles and skin. Cutaneous PAN, a distinct clinical entity, is chronic and benign vascular disease in which cutaneous lesions are predominant with no visceral involvement. We experienced a case of cutaneous PAN in...
A Case of Epstein's Syndrome
Seon Young Choi, Hyun Chul Chae, Hae Young Cho, Hong Bae Kim, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(11):1610-1614.   Published online November 15, 1994
Epstein's syndrome is a rare disease whish is characterized by the association of thrombocytopenia, macrothrombocytopathia, nephritis and deafness. We experienced a case of Epstein's syndrome in a 12 years old male patient who was presented with a life long history of bleeding, usually as epistaxis, bilateral sensorineural deafness and hematuria with proteinuria starting in the childhood. Hematologic studies showed thrombocytopenia with...
Original Article
Clinical Studies on Risk Facotrs of Recurrnces after first Febrile Convulsions in Infancies and Early Childhood
Hee Kyung Chun, Hyun Ki Joo, Mi Soo Ahn, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(6):786-793.   Published online June 15, 1994
The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors of recurrences after their first febrile convulsions in infants and young children. Dlinical studies were made on 187 cases of febrile convulsions who were admitted to the department of pediatrics of Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital from March, 1990 to December, 1992 1) 63 cases of 187 cases had recurrences after their...
Clinical Observation for Low Birth Weight Infants
Hye Jin Lee, Soon Wan Kwon, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(7):928-935.   Published online July 15, 1993
Clinical observations were made on 338 low birth weight infants, who were delivered at Pusan Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, during the 3 year periods from 1989 to 1991. The results were as follows; 1) The incidence of LBWI was 5.6% and sex ratio was 1:1.09. Among them AGA was 62.7%. 2) Of all infants, 47.3% were in the birth weight range of 2251-2500...
Clinical Experiences with Total Nutrient Admixture in 26 Cases
Yong Soon Kwon, Eun Jin Choi, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh, Hwan Seon Ryu, Charles D. Sands
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(7):921-932.   Published online July 15, 1992
Total Nutrient Admixture(TNA) is an intravenous nutrient system composed of dextrose, amino acid, fat, electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements in a single container which is administered over 24 hours. Twenty six seriously ill or premature neonatal patients reciving parenteral nutrition with TNA were studied by analyzing anthropometric parameters, laboratory values, and complications. The objective of the study was to test the...
Exercise Induced Delayed Bronchoconstriction in children with Asthma
Eun Jin Choi, Hyo Kung Shin, Un Ki Yoon, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(6):769-775.   Published online June 15, 1992
This study was performed to investigate delayed bronchoconstriction in 17 extrinsic asthmatic children with exercise induced asthma. Pulmonary function was monitored by PEFR and FEV1 prior to exercise and serially for ten hours after about 8 minutes up and down stairs exercise. Delayed bronchoconstriction was noted in four of seventeen patients (23.5%) at 5∼9hours after exercise and % fall in PEFR...
A case of Hunter syndrome.
Suk Hyun Ha, Young Sun Ko, Mi Soo Ahn, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(3):398-403.   Published online March 31, 1991
Authors experienced a case of Hunter syndrome in 4 old male patient, whose diagnosis was established by typical findings in physical examination, family history, screening test using methylene blue for mucopolysaccaharides, and radiologic studies. We report this case with a brief review of literatures.
The clinical study on MCLS.
Young Sun Ko, Ji Sun Cho, Hong Bae Kim, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(2):240-249.   Published online February 28, 1991
Forty six children with mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome were diagnosed and treated through admission at the Department of Pediatrics, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital from January 1987 to January 1990. Ther were investigated for clinical pattern and laboratory correlations. The results were as follows: 1) Most patients (95.7%) were under four years of the age. 2) The ratio of male to female was 1.6:1. 3) Seasonal incidence was high in...
A clinical study on influences of premature rupture of membranes in the newborn infant.
Ji Sun Cho, Young Sun Ko, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(2):180-189.   Published online February 28, 1991
A clinical study was made on 607 newborns of mothers with premature rupture of membrane (PROM group) and 5,775 newborns of mothers without ruptured membrane Baptist Hospital from January 1987 to December 1989. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The overall incidence of PROM was 9.5% with little yearly variations. 2) 11.9% of all babies with PROM were bom prematurely, significantly higher than the incidence of control...
Diagnostic Approach of The Childhood Bronchial Asthma.
Suk Hyun Ha, Ji Sun Cho, Woon Kee Yoon, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(12):1689-1698.   Published online December 31, 1990
Clinical and environmental studies were made on 150 cases of bronchial asthma patients who were admitted to the Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital from January, 1987, to December, 1988. Results were as folios: 1) The age distribution showed 64.7% under 6 years old; male to female ratio was 2.4:1. 2) The peak age of onset was below 6 years of age, 80.7% of total cases being included. 3) Bronchial...
A Case of Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma.
Ho Won Kang, Hong Ja Kang, Hong Bae Kim, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(8):1159-1165.   Published online August 31, 1990
This is a case report of adrenal cortical carcinoma in a 2 year 7 month old male patient who was diagnosed by clinical features, endocrinologic studies, radiologic studies and pathologic examina- tions. Cushing syndrome and virilization caused by adrenal cortical carcinoma were found. Left total adrenalectomy was performed. No evidence of metastasis was found at the time of operation. 3 months later, lung metastases...
Statistical Observation on Neonate.
Hong Ja Kang, Nam Hyuk Joo, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(8):1037-1047.   Published online August 31, 1990
Statistical observation was performed on 11,857 cases of neonates which were seen in the nursery, Pusan, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, during the past 5 years from Jul. 1983 to Jun. 1988. The results were as follows: 1) Among 11,857 neonates, the percentage distribution by birth weight was 6.1% for 2,500 gm or less, 3.7% for 4,001 gm or more and the sex ratio of male...
Clinical Studies of Urinary Tract Infection in Infant and Children.
Kee Sung Yang, Mi Soo Ahn, Hong Bae Kim, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(4):533-541.   Published online April 30, 1989
Clinical studies on the 82 patients of sympomatic urinary tract infection who were admitted to pediatric department of Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital from August 1984 to July 1987 were subjected in this study. The result were as follows. 1) The incidence was 0.79% of total pediatric inpatients during the same period. 2) Age incidence disclosed under 1 year in 49 patients(59.7%) and under 6 year...
A Case of Adrenoleukodystrophy.
Kee Sung Yang, Soo Tack Bae, Hong Bae Kim, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(3):430-437.   Published online March 31, 1989
We experienced a case of Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), which is a genetically determined metabolic disorder associated with progressive demyelination of brain white matter and adrenal insuficiency. An 11 year old male revealed rapidly evolving neuologic progression, decreased adrenal reserve, increased plasma content of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) and typical radiological findings. We report here the clinical findings of this patient with brief review of...
A Case of Huge Ovarian Cyst with Hydronephrosis.
Soo Taek Bae, Ho Yon Kang, Un Ki Yoon, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(3):423-429.   Published online March 31, 1989
We experienced and case of huge ovarian cyst in a 13 year-old gril, which is rare in chilbhood and adolescence. The cyst was about 6 kg in weight, 29 x 20 x 17 cm in size and occupied the entire abdome and pelvis. Its pathologic diagnosis was mucinous cystadenoma. Rt. hydronephrosis due to compression by a huge ovarian cyst was found. A brief review...
A Case of Incontinetia Pigmenti Associated with Convulsions.
Young Ok Suh, Gyun Woo Lee, Un Ki Yoon, Ji Sub Oh, Kee Suck Suh, Sang Tae Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(5):641-647.   Published online May 31, 1988
Incontinentia pigmenti is a complex hereditary syndrome in which vesicular, verrucous and pigmented cutaneous lesions are associated with developmental defects of the eye, skeletal system and central nervous system. A case of incontinentia pigmenti associated with convulsions, Block-Sulzberger type, is presented with a review of related literatures. The patient was a 40 day-old female infant with convulsions and verrucous, dark brown pigmented lesions on the trunk...
A Case of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.
Jung Han, Soo Taek Bae, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(2):282-287.   Published online February 28, 1988
The Cornelia de Lange syndrome is characterized by severe growth and mental retardation, typical face, and low-pitched, weak, growling cry, as was first described by Cronelia de Lange in 1933. We have recognized a case of Cornelia de Lange syndrome in a 4 month old Korean girl. The patient showed typical appearance of face with low forehead, bushy eyebrows and synophrys, long curly eyelases,...
Clinical Study of Patients with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pneumonia in Children.
Kyun Woo Lee, Young Ok Seo, Hong Bae Kim, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(2):167-176.   Published online February 28, 1988
Meconium Staining; A Five Year Retrospective Review.
Kei Hag Son, Kyun Woo Lee, Hong Bae Kim, Soom Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(1):26-34.   Published online January 31, 1987
Among a total of 15,250 newborns delivered at wallace memorial Baptist Hospital in a 5 year period from January 1980 to December 1984, a clinical study was done regarding meconium stained babies. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The incidence of meconium staining was 10.94% (1,669 babies). 2) Most of the meconium group (95.08%) had a birth weight exceeding 2,500 grams. The incidence of meconium staining...
Case Report
A Case Report of McCune Albright Syndrome.
Kei Hag Son, Un Ki Yoon, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(12):1366-1371.   Published online December 31, 1986
A case of McCune Albright syndrome in a 8 year old girl was presented. Examination revealed polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, cutaneous pigmentation, sexual precocity and hyperthyroidism. Recently, she has suffered from craniofacial deformity and thyroid gland enlargement. The diagnosis was confirmed by characteristic clinical feature, radiologic evidence,biochemical assay and radioisotopic assay. A review of the literature was made briefly.
A Case of Congenital Giant Hydronephrosis.
Un Ki Yoon, Young Ok Seo, Hong Bae Kim, Ji Sub Oh, Ok Ji Paik
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(11):1251-1256.   Published online November 30, 1986
We would like to report an experience with a case of Giant Hydronephrosis due to Congenital left ureteropelvic junction obstruction in a 7 year-old boy who presented with palpable abdominal mass. The diagnosis was made through intravenous pyelogram, ultrasonogram and abdominal computerized axial tomogram. A brief review of the related literature is given.
A Case of Primary Lung Cancer(Squamous cell ca.) in Children.
Soo Ryun Choi, Choong Hyun Kim, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh, Sung Kyun Im, Ok Ji Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(12):1256-1260.   Published online December 31, 1985
We have experienced a case of primary lung cancer (squamous cell ca.) in a 15 years-old boy who presented with productive coughing and mild fever. The diagnosis was made through thoracic roentgenogram, thoracotomy, and biopsy. A brief review of the related literature is given.
A Case of Multiple Abscesses due to Renal Stone.
Soo Ryun Choi, Choong Hyun Kim, Seung Ki Kim, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(12):1245-1249.   Published online December 31, 1985
We have experienced a case of multiple abscesses due to a renal stone in a 6 years-old girl who presented with, high fever, right upper quadrant tenderness and frequent vomiting. The diagnosis was made through laboratory findings, I.V.P. and operative finding. A brief review of the related literature is given.
Original Article
A Clinical Study on Acute Appendicitis in Children.
Choong Hun Kim, Un Ki Yoon, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(12):1207-1215.   Published online December 31, 1985
This study is a clinical analysis of 225 cases of acute appendicitis in children under the age of 15 which were confirmed by operation at the department of surgery of WMBH during the past 7 year period from January 1978 to December 1984. The following results were obtained: 1)The incidence of appendicitis is rare under the age of 6 and...
Case Report
A case of Rhabdomyosarcoma in the Urinary bladder.
Seung Ki Kim, Young Joo Shu, Man JIn Chung, Ji Sub Oh, Ok Ji Paik
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(2):197-201.   Published online February 28, 1985
We experienced a case of rhabdomyosarcoma arising from the base of urinary bladder in 20 month old male who presented with palpable abdominal mass, urinary incontinence and dysuria. We diagnosed it through I.V.P., ultrasonography and surgical biopsy. A brief review of the related literature is given.
A case of asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy.
Young Joo Suh, Seung Ki Kim, Soon Ok Byun, Ji Sub Oh, Ok Ji Paik
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(2):177-181.   Published online February 28, 1985
We have experienced a case of Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy in 22 hour old boy who had constriction of thorax and short extremities. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical features, radiological and autoptic finding. A brief review of the related literatures was also made.
A Case of Congenital Porencephalic Cyst.
Hong Gyu Park, Man Jin Chung, Jong Doo Kim, Myung Hi Shin, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1984;27(2):202-206.   Published online February 28, 1984
We experienced a congenital porencephalic cyst with hydrocephalus in a 12 days old female premature infant who was suffered from meningitis. Brain CAT confirmed the diagnosis of porencephaly. Therapy consisted of systemic antibiotics and ventriculo-peritoneal shunt with good effect. She has been in good condition without convulsion or other neurologic sequelae thereafter. A brief review of the related literature was...
Original Article
A Clinical Study of ABO Hemolytic Disease.
Hong Gyu Park, Bu Kwun Chung, Jong Doo Kim, Myung Hi Shin, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1984;27(1):50-60.   Published online January 31, 1984
Clinical study was made on 125 newborn infants who were suffered from ABO hemolyti(diseases at Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital during the pericd cf 3 years frcm January 1980 to December 1982. The following results were obtained 1)Of 9,805 liveborn delveries, 3,094(31.6%) mothers had 0 type blood group and 1,425 (14.5%) neonates bad ABO inccmpatibility. Of these 125 necnates suffered frcm hemolytic...
Case Report
A Case of Stomach Perforation during the Therapy of Rheumatic Carditis.
Young Ju Lee, Man Jin Chung, Soon Ok Byun, Myung Hi Shin, Ji Sub Oh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1983;26(12):1241-1246.   Published online December 31, 1983
We experienced acute stomach perforation in a 10 years old boy who suffered from rheum- atic carditis and treated with penicillin, aspirin and prednisolone. A brief review of literature was done.


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