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Caudal Regression Syndrome Associated with Potter Syndrome.
Hyun Joo Jeong, Sung Sook Bang, Hae Ran Lee, Choon Myung Ro, Yeon Lim Suh
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(10):1448-1454.   Published online October 31, 1989
Caudal egression syndrome is a term applied to a syndrome comprising complete or partial agenesis of sacrum and coccyx, often associated with malformation of the lower extremities, congenital heart disease, urologic abnormalities and malformation of the upper extremities. The primary defect may occur in the mid-posterior axis mesoderm of the embryo prior to the 4th week of development, resulting in other defects of the...
A Case of Potter Syndrome Type Ⅰ.
Jin Hong Park, Mi Jeong Koh, Yeon Kyun Oh, Chan Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(8):1150-1154.   Published online August 31, 1989
We experienced a case of Potter syndrome type I characterized by polycystic kidney, pulmomnary hypoplasia and abnormal face in a 1 day-old male neonate with respiratory distress. Diagnosis was made with autopsy findings. A brief review of literature was made.
A Case of Potter Syndrome Syndrome Accompanied with Partial Agenesis of Corpus Callosum.
Soon Sup Jang, Byung Chun Suh, Kyoo Hwan Rhee, Soo Jee Moon, Keun Soo Lee, Byung Tae Park, Eun Kyung Hong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(11):1287-1293.   Published online November 30, 1987
We have experienced a case of Potter syndrome recently. He was a newborn infant who suffered from severe respiratory distress soon after birth. His face was characterized by facies renalies and chest X-ray film revealed bilateral pneumothorax. Anuria since birth and findings of abdominal ultrasonography strongly suggested bilateral renal agenesis. Severe respiratory acidosis was progressed in spite of proper management and died at 11...
A Case of Potter Syndrome with Bilateral Polycystic Kidneys.
Chun Hwa Lee, Jung Hwan Choi, Yong Choi, Chong Ku Yun, Yeon Lim Suh, Je G Chi, Son Moon Shin
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(11):1282-1286.   Published online November 30, 1987
In 1946, Potter described a series of 20 cases of infants in whom bilateral absence of the kidneys was associated with hypoplasia of the lungs and characteristic faces. Afterwards it has been known that any condition that causes significant reduction in urine formation or excretion will result in oligohydramnios accounts for many of the nonrenal features of Potter syndorme. We report a case...
Case Report
A Case of Potter Syndrome Associated with Renal Dysplasia.
Young Woo Park, Joon Ho Kim, Eun Ryoung Kim, Soon Jae Lee, Young Chul Moon, Young Jin Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(7):812-817.   Published online July 31, 1987
Potter syndrome is relatively rare congenital defect in with agenesis or dysplasia of the kidney is associated with oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, characteristic facial features and other abnormalities. The etiology is unknown. But various theories are reviewed and the suggestion is made that the cause of Potter syndrome in newborns may well be multifactorial. Among the various factors, we agree to the opinion that oligohydramnios...
A Case of Potter Syndrome Type I.
Jong Cheol Ryu, Jae Kwang Hong, Jun Taek Park, Jung Sik Min, Chang Jee Choi, Je Geun Chi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(10):1152-1156.   Published online October 31, 1986
We have experienced a case of Potter syndrome type I in a newborn infant who presented with severe respiratory distress soon after birth. The diagnosis was made with autopsy findings consisted of bilateral polycystic renal dysplasia, bilateral hypoplastic lung , facies renalis, fibrocystic change of liver, patent ductus arteriosus, patent foramen ovale, ureter and urinary bladder hypoplasia and calcaneovarus. Brief...
A Case of Potter Syndrome.
Young Mi Hong, Hae Seung Kim, Jung Gon Kim, Keun Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1982;25(11):1181-1184.   Published online November 30, 1982
In 1946 Potter described a series of 20 cases in infants in whom bilateral absence of the kidneys was associated with, hypoplasia of the lung and characteristic face. The main facial features she described were increased space between the eyes, a prominent fold which arises at inner canthus and sweeps downward and laterally below the eyes, unusual flattening of the nose, excessive recession of...
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