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Original Article
Changes of Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-α and Interleukin-1β in the Sepsis of Neonates
Mi Yeon Lee, Yeon Kyun Oh, Ji Hyun Cho
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1995;38(10):1307-1314.   Published online October 15, 1995
Purpose : Cytokines have recently been identified as important endogenous mediators of the host immune response to bacterial infection. But little is clarify about serum levels of cytokines in neonatal sepsis. The aim of this study was to know the changes of the level of cytokines during neonatal sepsis, to compare the level of cytokines in gram negative and gram...
Case Report
Two Cases of Congenital TBG Deficiency
In Seong Jo, Ha Joo Choi, Young Ah Lee, Woo Gap Chung, Youn Bok Chang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1995;38(5):697-701.   Published online May 15, 1995
We have experienced 4 and 5-week-old male neonates presented low T4 and normal TSH l-evel by filter paper mothod for neonatal screening, finally diagnosed typical TDG deficiency wit h TBG radioimmunoassay, paper electrophoresis, and autoradiography. Two neonates have ha d no specific complaints and lived well until now. Congenital TBG deficiency is an X chromosome linked inhcritant disorder characterized by l...
Four Cases of Benign Neonatal Convulsion
Hwi Tae Kang, Heung Dong Kim, Young Ii Park, Churl Young Chung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1995;38(5):692-696.   Published online May 15, 1995
Benign neonatal convulsions are classified into benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions(fifth day fits) and benign familial neonatal convulsions. Benign familial neonatal convulsions occur mostly on the second and third days of life with f amily history of autosomal 4ominant trait. The prognosis is favourable but idiopathic epilepsy m ay occur in 5 percent of patients. Benign idiopathic neonatal convulsions ocurr around the fifth...
Clinical Evaluation of Unmarried Maternal Neonates Admitted to NICU
Chang Weon Oh, Suk Hyun Lee, Kyoung Sim Kim, Ki Bok Kim
Accepted January 1, 1970  
Purpose : This study was done to see whether neonates born to unmarried mothers have higher rates of prematurity, low birth weight, perinatal morbidity and mortality than normal married group. Methods : 88 neonates of unmarried mothers who were admitted in our NICU during the 5-year period from January 1987 through December 1991 were evaluated, and as the control gro-up served...
Original Article
Clinical Observation of Neonatal Sepsis according to Onset of Disease
Young Chul Han, Soon Kyung Baik, Chang Sung Lim, Dong Jin Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(12):1676-1686.   Published online December 15, 1994
Morphologic Changes of Lung Parenchymal Tissue in Neonatal Rat Pups under Chronic Hyperoxia
Beyong Il Kim, Jung-Hwan Choi, Chong Ku Yun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(8):1055-1064.   Published online August 15, 1994
We studied the effects of chronic hyperoxia (>95% oxygen for 14 days) in change of body weight, wet to dry ling weight ratio, and morphologic changes of lung tissue compared with that of room air (21% oxygen for 14 days) in Sprague-Dawley neonatal rat pups. The results were as follows: 1) In neonatal rat pups exposed to room air (normoxia group), body...
Normal Blood TSH, T4 Levels in Neonates as Determined by Screening Test
In Ah Cha, Kwang Sin Kim, Kyoung Sim Kim, Young Wook Kim, Ki Bok Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(6):832-841.   Published online June 15, 1994
In 1,146 term neonates without perinatal problems who were born in kwangju Christian Hospital, blood TSH levels were measured by immunoradiometric assay. In 397 term neonates among them, blood T4 levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in same specimens. 1) In normal neonates aged 3~5days, 6~10days, 11~20days and 21~28days, the TSH levels were 8.885.21(meanSD), 9.44¡¾5.16, 9.69¡¾4.98, 11.963.75IU/ml and the T4 levels were...
Exchange Transfusion Using Percutaneous Femoral Vein Catheterization in Neonates: Comparison with Umbilical Vein Catheterization
Song-Ja Kim, Hyang-Ok Woo, Seung-Hwan Kim, Mi-Ryeong Kim, Sun-Kyeong Sin, Hee-Shang Youn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(2):180-184.   Published online February 15, 1994
Traditionally umbilical vein has been used for exchange transfusion in neonates. This method is relatively safe and effective but with a few complications. So via percutaneous femoral vein catheters we tried exchange transfusion in 30 patients with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia admitted to GNUH from September 1990 to August 1992. Femoral vein catheterization succeeded in 2~3 trials. In all cases high bilirubin level...
Improvement of Thoracic Pressure-Volume, Complincace and Histological Characteristics in Premature Newborn Rabbit after Treatment of Bovine Purified Natural Surfactant-Phospholipid
Chong-Woo Bae, Chang Il Ahn, Haruo Maeta, Tetsuro Fujiwara
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1994;37(2):157-166.   Published online February 15, 1994
We had previously reported the purification of bovine lung natural surfactant-phospholoipd (PNS-L) and the assessment of it's surface physical properties in vitro. To observe the clinical effectiveness of PNS-L in vivo, the degree of improvement of thoracic pressure-volume, compliance and histological changes following PNS-L instillation in premature rabbits with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) were investigated. Rabbits, delivered prematurely by cesarean section...
Clinical Characteristics of Inborn and Outborn Infants Admitted to the NICU
Hyun Cheol Lee, Jin Young Choi, Hwang Min Kim, Baek Keun Lim, Jong Soo Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(12):1647-1655.   Published online December 15, 1993
Regionalization of high-risk perinatal care has been advocated because intensive care of small and ill newborn infants lowers mortality and morbidity. This report is based on analysis of admissions to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the Wonju Christian Hospital during the 4-year period from January, 1988 to December, 1991. There were 786 inborn infants and 1155 outborn...
Phenobarbital Dosage and Blood Level for Control of Neonatal Seizure
Hye Soon Kim, Keun Lee, Young Sook Ko
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(12):1641-1646.   Published online December 15, 1993
Twenty-five neonates was observe for the relationship between phenobrbital loading dose, plasma concentrations and control of seizures. Nineteen neonates (76%) had seizures controlled by phenobarbital alone, Effective plasma concentration were 10.0~31.3㎍/ml. Although 14 neonates had seizures controlled by phenobarbital concentration below 20㎍/ml, neonate required level above 30㎍/ml. We foound that continued benefit was obtained until phenobarbital plasma concentrations reached 40㎍/ml...
Comparison between Preterm and Fullterm infants in Neonatal Sepsis
Sung Hee Kim, Kum Hee Hur, Hee Sup Kim, Myoung Jae Chey, Kil Hyoun Kim, Hak Soo Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(11):1542-1554.   Published online November 15, 1993
We retrospectively evaluated datas on 61 cases of neonatal sepsis confirmed by clinical symptoms and blood cultures at the NICU of Gil General Hospital From Mar. 1989, to Reb. 1992. The result obtained were as follows : 1) The mean gestational age was 32.7±2.6 weeks in preterm infants, and 39±1.5weeks on term infants. The mean birth weight was 1,701.4±422.4g in preterm infants,...
The Significance of Nucleated Red Blood Cell Counts in Low Birth Weight Neonates
In Ho Song, Weon Kee Lee, Hye Lim Jung, Dong Hyuck Keum
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(11):1526-1533.   Published online November 15, 1993
We studied to assess the relationship between intrauterine growth retardation and the increased nucleated red blood cell counts (NRBC) in small for gestational age (SGA) and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) neonates with low birth weight. We also evaluated the nucleated red blood cell counts in low birth weight neonates who had either perinatal asphyxia or hyaline membrane disease (HMD)...
Cow Milk Allergy in Infant Who Neonatal Onset
Seung Hee Park, Myung Ik Lee, Don Hee Ahn, Seung Hee Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(10):1383-1388.   Published online October 15, 1993
Cow milk allergy can be defined as an adverse immunologic reactions to cow milk protein. The term is often mistakenly applied to other causes of milk intolerence, such as lactase deficiency and galactosemia, which must be differenciated and excluded. We have experienced 10 children of cow milk allergy at neonatal onset who had suffered from G-I symtons, such as diarrhea, irritability,...
High-Dose Intravenous Immune Globulin Therapy for Hyperbilirubinemia Caused by ABO Incompatibility
Dong Sung Kim, Dong Un Kim, Ji Whan Han, Sung Soo Whang, Kyung Yil Lee, Man Kyu Yang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(8):1073-1079.   Published online August 15, 1993
Four newborn infants with hyperbilirubinemia, caused by ABO blood group incompatibility, were treated with high-dose intravenous immune globulin (IVIG). As soon as the diagnosis was clinically suspected, these infants received conventional treatment including phototherapy and were monitored closely for bilirubin levels. When bilirubin concentrations reached the risk point in spite of pjototherapy, IVIG was given at a dose of 1g/kg for...
A Clinical Study of Neonatal Sepsis
Hyoung Shim Chang, Jung Sook Park, Young Ho Lee, Ahn Hong Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(6):771-777.   Published online June 15, 1993
The 35 newborns with neonatal sepsis admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Dong-A Univesity Hospital during 2 years and 6months from April 1990 to October 1992, and were reivewed on the bases of incidence, clinical manifestations, underlying conditions, etiologic organisms, results of antibiotics sensitivity test and mortality rate. The result were summarized as follows; 1) The incidence of neonatal sepsis...
The Usefulness of Measuring Serum α-fetoprotein and Thyroxine-binding Globulin to Differentiate between Neonatal Hepatitis and Congenital Extrahepatic Biliary Atresia
Soo Kyoung Lee, Ki Sup Chung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(4):512-520.   Published online April 15, 1993
Together, neonatal hepatitis and biliary atresia make up approximately 70 to 80% of the causes of neonatal cholestasis. Biliary atresia must be differentiated from neonatal hepatitis as soon as possible in order to institute early surgical intervention. We performed this study to examine whether the measurement of the serum α-fetoprotein(AFP) and thyroxine-binding globulin(TBG) was useful for differentiating these two conditions....
Surfactant Replacement Therapy in Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Collective Evaluation of Trials from 16 Hospitals
CW Bae, YD Kwon, SJ Ko, KS Kim, HM Kim, WS Park, SH Byun, CS Son, HS Ahn, SG Lee, YP Chang, YJ Chung, KS Cho, KH Cho, KC Choeh, MJ Chey, JH Choi, JK Yoon, CI Ahn, S Chida, T Fujiwara
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(2):244-265.   Published online February 15, 1993
Surfactant replacement therapy in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) has been introduced in our country since May 1990. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect and short-term outcome of surfactant replacement for neonatal RDS using collective data of uncontrolled trials from different hospitals in Korea. For the period May 1990 to Dec. 1991, a total of 68...
A Clinical Study on Early Diagnosis in Neonatal Sepsis
Jong Kwang Lee, Hae Won Cheon, Jee Hee Park, Jung Hwa Lee, Joo Won Lee, Soon Kyum Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1993;36(1):49-56.   Published online January 15, 1993
Neonatal sepsis is a major contributing factor for increased mortality and morbidity in the newborn and its successful outcome depends on early detection and prompt institution of an effective antimicrobial therapy. Accurate diagnosis of the neonatal septicemia, however, is quite difficult because its early signs and symptoms are rather subtle. This study was conducted in an attempt to search for useful...
The Relationship Between Neonatal Hypoglycemia and Newborn Iron Status in Hypoglycemic Large-for-Gestational Age Infants
Myung Ja Yun, In Ho Song, Hye Lim Jung, Dong Hyuck Kum
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(12):1667-1673.   Published online December 15, 1992
We assessed the relationship between neonatal hypoglycemia and newborn iron status in hypoglycemic large-for-gestational age, euglycemic large for gestational age and euglycemic appropriate for gestational age infants that were admitted to the department of Pediatrics, Koryo General Hospital from July 1989 to June 1990. The results are as follows; 1) The incidence of large for gestational age infants was 3.3% (32...
Urinary Tract Infection and Neonatal Circumcision
Seung Joo Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(8):1035-1043.   Published online August 15, 1992
An association between urinary tract infection in male infants and uncircumcised status has been suggested recently. Male predominance of UTI in most reports in Korea may be related to this uncircumcised status. The present study was prospectively performed between Mar. 1989 and May. 1991 to investigate this relationship and the effect of neonatal circumcision on the intraurethral bacterial flora. 1) The...
Hepatic Rickets in Infancy with Neonatal Hepatitis
Mi Koo Kang, Eun Young Cho, Soo Jong Hong, Ki Soo Kim, Young Seo Park, Hyung Nam Moon, Chang Yee Hong
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(4):527-533.   Published online April 15, 1992
We had treated a hepatic rickets in 6 infants with neonatal hepatitis from June 1989 to August 1990 at Asan Medical Center. The results were as follows 1) Age of 6 patients were below 4 months and 4 patients were male, 2 patients were female. 2) The clinical findings were hepatosplenomegaly(5 cases), jaundice(4 cases), craniotabes (4 cases), failure to thrive(2 cases), hypocalcemiac seizure(2...
Case Report
Four Case of Neonatal Group B Streptococcal Sepsis/Meningitis
Jae Geon Sim, Soon Wha Kim, Young Jin Hong, Don Hee Ahn, Keun Chan Sohn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1992;35(2):275-281.   Published online February 15, 1992
Authors have experienced four cases of neonatal sepsis and meningitis whose organisms were group B streptococci which are thought to be rare causative agent for neonatal sepsis in Korea. Two of four cases were early onset type. Three of them were recovered with antibiotic therapy. One of three alives was found to have mild neurologic sequelae when we examined him...
Original Article
A case of neonatal herpes simplex virus encephalitis.
Kook In Park, Young Mo Sohn, Dong Soo Kim, Ran Namgung, Chul Lee, Dong Gwan Han, Won Young Lee, Ki Keun Oh, Myung Joon Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(9):1276-1285.   Published online September 30, 1991
Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection still remains a life-threatening infection for the newborn. With an increasing incidence of genital herpes and an increase in the incidence of neonatal herpes simplex virus infections, it is important that pediatricians and neonatologists continue to maintain a high index of suspicion in infants whose symptoms may be compatible with herpes simplex virus infections so that early identification leads...
The diagnostic significance of APR score in early detection of neonatal bacterial infection.
Ki Won Park, Kyeong Choi, Young Youn Choi, Tai Ju Hwang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(9):1223-1230.   Published online September 30, 1991
An accurate and rapid diagnostic test is essential in the management of bacterial infection in neonates because they lack specific symptoms and the bacterial infections in neonates tends to have rapid progression and poor prognosis. As for the method, APR (acute phase reactants), a score measuring C-reactive protein (CRP), 상racid glycoprotein (이-AG) and Haptoglobin (Hp) by latex agglutination seems to be one of promising methods. In...
Surfactant replacement therapy in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
Chan Ok Park, Boung Yul Lim, Byeong Gie Yeo, Ji Ho Song, Eun Kyung Sohn, Chong Woo Bae, Sa Jun Chung, Chang Il Ahn
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(9):1211-1222.   Published online September 30, 1991
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in tiny infants remains a major medical challenge as they are less tolerant of supportive care. In 1959, after identification of the pulmonary surfactant (S), S replacement therapy were used to treat RDS. This idea was first successfully tested on RDS infants by Fujiwara, et. al” in 1980. Now the trial and use of S for the treatment in RDS...
Relationship between underlying disease and time at onset of neonatal pulmonary air leak.
Young Yaek Jang, Kyong Nyong Kim, Jong Lim Choi, Ok Kyung Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(7):921-928.   Published online July 31, 1991
We observed 38 cases of neonatal pulmonary air leak who were admitted to the nicu of Presbyter- ian Medical center from July, 1984 to October, 1990. The result was as follows: 1) The overall incidence of neonatal pulmonary air leak was 0.15% of all live birth. Spontaneous pulmonary air leak were 6cases (0.03%) and secondary pulmonary air leak were 21 cases (0.12%). 2) There were no differences...
Predictive factors and initial selection of antibiotics in neonatal sepsis.
Dong Chul Park, Chul Lee, Kook In Park, Ran Namgung, Dong Gwan Han
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(6):755-762.   Published online June 30, 1991
For simplifying and standardizing the interpretation of usual findings for neonatal sepsis, prenatal and perinatal factors, clinical symptoms and signs, method of management and hematologic findings were evaluated as a screening test. From the data obtained, a scoring system was formulated that assigns a score of 3 for diarrhea, 1. 5 for tachypnea, 1.5 for cyanosis, 1 for umbilical vessel catheterization, 1 for intravenous...
A case of neonatal cold injury.
Bub Seong Kim, Sang Soo Rho, Young Il Park, Sang Woo Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(3):404-407.   Published online March 31, 1991
We experienced a case of neonatal cold injury, who initially showed CNS depression, respiratory depression, hyperglycemia and acidosis, followed by hypoglycemia, seizure and respiratory distress during the recovery phase treated with rewarming. A brief review of literature was made.
A clinical study on neonatal seizures.
Bong Sik Kong, Ri Sa Lee, Sang Kyu Park, Ho Jin Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1991;34(2):230-239.   Published online February 28, 1991
Clinical observation were made on 57 cases of neonatal seizure who were admitted to the Depart- ment of pediatrics, Seoul Red Cross Hospital during the period of 7 years from Jan. 1983 to Dec. 1989. The results were as follows: 1) According to the type of delivery of neonates which showed neonatal seizure, normal vaginal delivery were 41 cases (71.9%), C-section delivary 11 cases (19.3%)...


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