Cineaortography by countercurrent injection via the radial artery was performed for the diagnosis of aortic arch anomalies in four infants with congenital heart anomalies. A patent ductus arteriosus, a hypoplastic pulmonary arteries and a normal aortic arch were demonstrated respectively by this method. The complete obstruction at the site of shunt operation for tricuspid atresia type lb was confirmed in the post operative period.... |
An analysis of incidence requiring resuscitation in relation to the indication of cesarean section in full-term deliveries were carried out retrospectively during 24 months from January 1984 to December 1985. The results obtained were as follows. 1) The overall incidence of cesarean delivery was 17.2% (397 cases out of 2,308 total deliveries) and the rate of full-term was 77.6% of total cesarean deliveries. 2) Among full-term cesarean delivered... |
A clinical study was performed on 17 cases of pulmonary air leaks in the newborn who were admitted to the NICU of SNUH from Jan. 1980 to Jun. 1986. The results were as follows: 1) Spontaneous air leaks were 2 cases (11.8%) and secondary air leaks were 15 cases (88.2%). 2) Of the 17 cases of pulmonary air leaks, 9 cases (53.0%) were premature infants, 10... |
Abnormal lymphocyte function has been postulated to have a pathogenetic role in nephrotic syndrome. To assess immunologic parameters in the pathogenesis of various glomerulonephritis in early phase, in prdiatric department of Kyung Hee University Hospital from September 1985 to June 1986, serum immunoglobulin concentration and T cell subsets were measured in 32 children and compared with normal control group (n=30). Further studies are needed to... |
Clinical and hemodynamic data were evaluated and analyzed in 31 cases of ventricular septal defect with septal aneurysm which were confirmed by 2-D echocardiography and left ventriculography at Kyungpook National University Hospital during the period of one year from June, 1985 to June, 1986 Septal aneurysms were found in 31 (41.9%) of 74 cases of total VSD (30 cases in membranous VSD and one... |
In eight cases of diabetes insipidus who were diagnosed at the pediatric department of Yeungnam University Hospital from July 1985 till May 1986, the levels of plaana AVP were measured by radioimmunoassay and the effects of various treatment were studied. In central diabetes insipidus patients basal plasma AVP level was 2.92 ±2.55 pg/ml which was significantly lower than the level of control group, 8.25... |
Clinical features of 96 cases (46 Mycoplasmal pneumonia: Group I, 50 Non-Mycoplasmal pneumo- nia: Group II) above 2 years of age were studied prospectively from December, 1985 to June, 1986 who were admitted to the Dept, of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital. The summary of the study is as follows: 1) Among the total 96 cases with pneumonia above 2 years of age, the frequency... |
Clinico-epidemiological study on 44 patients with leprosy in less than 20-year-old children visited to Institute for Leprosy Research, Korean Leprosy Control Association during past 9 years from January, 1978, to August, 1986 was carried out and the following results were obtained. 1) Age at time of visit was shown peak in the age group of 16-20 years (34 cases, 77%), but non in the age... |
We have experienced three cases of neonatal meningitis caused by group B streptococcus, which were confirmed by slide coagglutination test. One case was an early-onset type and the other two cases were late-onset type. These cases are reported with a brief review of the literatures. |
We experienced a case of Gaucher’s disease of acute infantile type in a 12 month old male boy. The patient showed hepatosplenomegaly with anemia and thrombocytopenia, developmental delay and frequent infection. There were characteristic Gaucher’s cells in bone marrow aspiration and biopsy of liver, spleen, & lymph node. Splenectomy was done at 25 month old. He expired 3 days after splenectomy. Autopsy was done.... |
Methylmalonic acidemia is an inborn error of metabolsim, transmitted as an autosomal recessive traits. Symptoms begin early in life and they are pernicious vomiting, lethargy, hepatomegaly, and failure to thrive. Laboratory finidngs are ketosis, intermittent hyperglycinemia, and methymalonic aciduria without vitamin B12 deficiency. Six distinct subtypes of this disorders have been characterized. Some of them respond well to exogenous vitamin B12 therapy. We have experienced a... |
Citrullinemia is an urea cycle enzymopathy, which is characterized by hyperammonemia, high citrulline levle in serum, CSF, urine and decreased activity of argininosuccinic acid synthetase in liver biopsy. The clinical symptoms are vomiting, lethergy, seizures, coma and ultimately in death if the hyperammonemia is noit controlled. We experienced a 46-day-old male infant with vomiting, seizure and coma, who is diagnosed as citrullinemia by markedly... |
Episodic flank or abdominal pain with or without nausea and vomiting is most common manifesta- tion of intermittent hydronephrosis. Between episodes of pain, the patient may be asymptomaitc and intravenous urogram usually will be normal. This condition is diagnosed by intravenous urogram or ultrasonogram taken either during episodes of pain or after hydronephrosis precipitated by use of duretics or ingestion of alcoholic beverage, particulary... |
Potter syndrome is relatively rare congenital defect in with agenesis or dysplasia of the kidney is associated with oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, characteristic facial features and other abnormalities. The etiology is unknown. But various theories are reviewed and the suggestion is made that the cause of Potter syndrome in newborns may well be multifactorial. Among the various factors, we agree to the opinion that oligohydramnios... |
Epidermolysis bullosa letalis is an uncommon skin disease which is manifest at birth or in infancy. It is characterized by blister formation occurring spontaneously or after friction or slight trauma. This blistering disorder has the most severe clinical course, so that death may occur in infancy. Recently, we experienced a case of epidermolysis bullosa letalis in one day old newborn infant, who was developed... |