Shaken baby syndrome is a serious form of child abuse, mostly involving children younger than 2 years. It results from extreme rotational cranial acceleration induced by violent shaking. The characteristic injuries include subdural hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage, and fracture of ribs or long bones. If physicians have no recognition of, or suspicion about, shaken baby syndrome, this syndome is difficult to... |
Netherton's syndrome is an unusual disorder which consists of triad of ichtyosiform dermatosis, multiple defects of hair shaft and an atopic diathesis. The finding of bamboo hair is pathognomic in Netherton's syndrome and the ichthyosiform dermatosis may consist of either ichtyosis linearis circumflexa or congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma. Often, variability in the clinical features leads to a delay in diagnosis in... |
Townes-Brocks syndrome is an uncommon autosomal dominant condition first described by Townes and Brocks in 1972. We experienced a newborn female who presented with clinical findings of Townes-Brocks syndrome in an otherwise unaffected family. The patient showed the full spectrum of anomalies including anterior placed anus, triphalangeal thumb, preaxial polydactyly, pre-auricular tags, microtia without opening, sensorineural hearing loss and unilateral... |
Sick sinus syndrome(SSS) constitutes a spectrum of cardiac arrhythmia, including sinus bradycardia, sinus pause-arrest, sinoatrial block, slow escape rhythm, bradyarrhythmia and tachyarrhythmia. SSS is relatively uncommon in children but its exact incidence is unknown because diagnostic criteria are not uniform and most children with SSS, in general are asymptomatic. SSS may be primary(organic sinus node disease) or secondary(cardiac surgery comprises... |
Purpose : Hyper IgM syndrome(HIGM) is characterized by severe recurrent bacterial infections with decreased serum levels of IgG, IgA, and IgE but elevated IgM levels. Recently, it has been classified into three groups; HIGM1, HIGM2 and a rare form of HIGM. HIGM1 is a X-linked form of HIGM and has now been identified as a T-cell deficiency in which mutations... |
Raine syndrome was described as an unknown syndrome in 1989. It is characterized by severe craniofacial anomalies with microcephaly, hypoplastic nose, depressed nasal bridge, exophthamos/protosis, gum hypertrophy, cleft palate, low-set ears, small mandible, narrow chest, wide cranial sutures and choanal atresia or stenosis, by generalized osteosclerosis with subperiosteal thickening of ribs, clavicles and diaphysis of long bones, and by intracranial... |
Alagille syndrome is a autosomal dominant disorder characterized by intrahepatic bile duct paucity and resultant chronic cholestasis in combination with cardiac(mainly peripheral pulmonary stenosis), skeletal, ocular, and facial abnormalities. In addition to the pulmonary stenosis, in large series, anecdotal reports of vascular lesions have concerned the renal artery, aorta, hepatic artery, carotid artery, celiac artery or subclavian artery. Theses diffuse... |
Purpose : The acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS), an acute form of severe alveolar-capillary injury evolving after a direct or indirect lung insult is thought to be a common cause of respiratory failure though not many clinical studies on the subject have been made yet. Methods : Between January 1992 and December 2001, we conducted a retrospective study on 33 children who... |
We report a 3-month old boy admitted to our hospital with Bartter's syndrome like symptoms and laboratory findings, which were vomiting, failure to thrive, hypochloremic and hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis associated with hyperreninemia, hyperaldosteronism and normal blood pressure. However, the urine chloride level was low. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis was diagnosed through abdominal ultrasonography. Fredet-Ramstedt operation was done after electrolyte correction. After... |
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome(MRS) is a rare disorder, having a symptom triad of recurrent facial palsy, orofacial swelling and fissured tongue(lingua plicata). This disorder is usually recurrent or progressive, and monosymptomatic or oligosymptomatic forms have been reported to be more common than classic forms. Generally, MRS occurs in young adults at the end of the second decade of life and incidence of the disease in childhood... |
Systemic capillary leak syndrome(SCLS) is a rare disorder of unknown etiology, which is characterized by recurrent attacks of hypotension, hemoconcentration, and hypoalbuminemia. Urinary or enteric loss of protein is not demonstrated. It is often associated with monoclonal gammopathy, but does not manifest multiple myeloma. Since Clarkson et al. described the first case in a 34- year-old woman, about 50 cases have been reported in... |
Fetal valproate syndrome has been described as a distinctive pattern of minor anomalies of the face and digits. This pattern has not been delineated completely but appears to involve brachycephaly with a high forehead, shallow orbit, ocular hypertelorism, small nose, small mouth, low set posteriorly rotated ears, long overlapping fingers and toes, and hyperconvex fingernail. Cleft palate and congenital heart disease have occasionally been... |
Purpose : Rett syndrome(RTT) is an X-linked dominant neurodevelopmental disorder affecting 1 per 10,000-15,000 female births worldwide. It was initially described by Andreas Rett in 1966. RTT involves developmental regression characterized stereotypic hand movements, tremors, gait apraxia, seizures, deceleration of head growth after the age of 6-18 months. The disease-causing gene was identified as MECP2 on chromosome Xq28. We carried out mutational analysis of MECP2... |
Purpose : Early surfactant therapy with either gentle ventilation, high-frequency ventilation or aggressive weaning of mechanical ventilation are principles for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS). We studied to determine the accessibility of noninvasive nasal continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) rather than mechanical ventilation by invasive intubation after early surfactant therapy. Methods : The study group consisted of 14 infants who were born and diagnosed with... |
Satoyoshi syndrome(generalized Komuragaeri disease) is a rare disorder of unknown cause, characterized by progressive, painful, intermittent muscle spasms and alopecia. Endocrinopathy with amenorrhea, secondary skeletal abnormalities, and diarrhea or unusual malabsorption are frequently seen. It seems that autoimmunity may play a role in its pathogenesis. We report a 13-year-old girl with characteristic manifestations of the syndrome. She was treated with... |
University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea We report a case of Alport syndrome associated with esophageal leiomyomatosis, presenting as recurrent pneumonia. A 5-year old girl who had a history of cataract visited the out patient clinic with a complaint of recurrent wheezing and respiratory difficulty which had started five months previously. Chest magnetic resonance image(MRI) and esophagography, checked on the suspicion of... |
Wolff-Parkinson-White(WPW) syndrome is characterized by electrographic evidence of ventricular preexcitation, which predisposes to supraventicular arrhythmias. Familial occurrence of WPW syndrome is uncommon. We observed two affected siblings in a family. Five members of the family underwent 12-lead electrocardiography and echocardiography. Although known genetic abnormality of the 7q34-q36(PRKAG2) for the familial WPW syndrome was evaluated, the mutation was not detected in... |
Acute vanishing bile syndrome is a cause of progressive cholestasis. It is most often drug or toxin related. It's pathogenesis is unknown. Stevens-Johnson syndorme is a well-recognized immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity reaction. It is induced by drug or infection. It has classic systemic, mucosal, and dermatologic manifestations. We report a case of a 14 years old female suffering from Stevens-Johnson syndrome... |
Purpose : Prader-Willi syndrome(PWS) is a complex disorder affecting multisystems with characteristic clinical features. Its genetic basis is an expression defect in the paternally derived chromosome 15q11-q13. We analyzed the clinical features and genetic basis of PWS patients for early detection and treatment. Methods : We retrospectively studied 24 patients with PWS in Department of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, from... |
Purpose : This study was conducted to estabilish the prevalence, clinical features and relationship between ECG findings and echocardiographic findings of Wolff-Parkinsion-White(WPW) syndrome in asymptomatic preschool children. Methods : An electrocardiographic screening study was performed on 77,824 preschool children in Jeonbuk province from April, 1999 to August, 2001. Patients with WPW syndrome underwent echocardiographic study. Results : Twenty three patients with WPW... |
Purpose : The purpose of this study is to analyze the epidemiologic characteristics of sudden unexpected death in infancy and to evaluate the importance of postmortem autopsy. Methods : We reviewed, retrospectively, medical records of 34 infants admitted to Kangnam General Hospital from January 1987 to December 2001 because of sudden unexpected death. We investigated the cause of death through medical... |
Toxic shock syndrome(TSS) is clinically similar to Kawasaki disease(KD) in that both of them are characterized by fever, desquamating rash and mucous membrane erythema. In contrast the main feature of TSS is hypotension, whereas the complication of KD is coronary vasculitis. We report an 8-year-old boy who fulfilled the crireria for TSS and KD. Initially he showed clinical features of... |
Marshall-Smith syndrome is characterized by a triad of facial dysmorphism, failure to thrive and accelerated osseous maturation. We report a one-month-old male infant with of this rare syndrome, with laryngeal anomalies who died at 6 months of age with pneumonia. This is the first case of Marshall-Smith syndrome in Korea. |
Purpose : The prevalence of renal anomalies in Turner syndrome(TS) has been reported to vary from 33% to 60%. The purpose of this study was to clarify the true incidence of renal malformations in Korean TS. Methods : We evaluated 33 patients with Turner syndrome diagnosed by karyotype in Inje University Busan Paik hospital and Youngnam University from January 1995.... |
Purpose : Thymus size can be affected by several factors and perinatal diseases can be estimated by its size. The purpose of this study was to search for a relationship between cardiothymic/ thoracic(CT/T) ratio and perinatal diseases such as neonatal respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) and intrauterine growth retardation(IUGR) by measuring the width of the cardiothymic shadow at the level of the... |
A twenty six months-old boy developed hemophagocytic syndrome during the course of Kawasaki disease. Despite the appropriate treatment modalities for Kawasaki disease, he developed thrombocytopenia, hepatomegaly, high-grade fever, hypertriglyceridemia, peripheral gangrene, and evidence of hemophagocytosis in bone marrow biopsy. Although the course was stormy, he responded well to a combination therapy of corticosteroid and etoposide. |
Rett syndrome is an X-linked dominant, progressive neurodevelopmental disorder, with a prevalence estimated to be one in 10,000-15,000 girls, which is thought to be the second most common genetic causes of mental retardation in females after Down syndrome. Patients with classic Rett syndrome show an apparently normal neonatal period, followed by developmental regression and deceleration of head growth, accompanied by... |
Gitelman's syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalciuria that has recently been reported to be linked to thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter gene mutation. In this study, we performed renal clearance studies to differentiate Gitelman's from Bartter's syndrome and to confirm the diagnosis in two patients clinically diagnosed with Gitelman's syndrome. Each patient was hydrated... |
We experienced a case of partial DiGeorge syndrome in a 35+5 week premature female infant presented with micrognathia, fish-shaped mouth, beaked nose, nasal regurgitation, obstructive sleep apnea, velopharyngeal insufficiency and late onset hypocalcemic seizures. The chromosome 22q11 microdeletion was found by the FISH method. The lab findings showed serum calcium level of 4.4 mg/dL, ionized calcium level of 0.49 mg/dL,... |
Purpose : In most cases, myelodysplastic syndrome(MDS) transforms into a more aggressive state or acute myelogenous leukemia; it's prognosis is very poor. It is believed that hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT) is the only curative treatment of MDS, but available data in children are very sparse. In this report, the short term outcome of HSCT in childhood MDS was analyzed. Methods :... |
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