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Original Article
The Effect of Massage on Premature Infants
Hee Sook Son, Jae Woo Lim, Kyuchul Choeh, Chang Soo Ra, Hark Hee Kim
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2000;43(8):1046-1051.   Published online August 15, 2000
Purpose : To determine the effects of massage therapy on growth, development, hormones, immune function, hepatic function, hematopoietic function and sleep pattern of preterm infants. Methods : Thirty-one preterm infants of less than 35 weeks gestational age, who were admitted to Eulji Medical College Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit between August 1998 and May 1999, and were in the state without mechanical ventilation or...
Case Report
A Case of Maple Syrup Urine Disease
Dong Hyun Cho, Hyun Mi Lee, Soon Young Kim, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1997;40(9):1297-1302.   Published online September 15, 1997
Original Article
Two Cases of Congenital Dislocation of the knee.
Hwa Jin Byun, Hye Kyung Lee, Hee Ju Kim, Sung Il Ahn, Chang Soo Ra, Woo Ku Chung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(3):404-409.   Published online March 31, 1990
Congenital dislocation of the knee is rare deformity. Since its first description by chatelaine in 1822, many authors have been proposed. The authors experienced two cases of congenital dislocation of the both knees and a brief review of the related literatures was made.
A Study on Free Fatty Acid and Albumin Levels in Breast Milk.
Eun Young Kwak, Sang Kee Park, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1990;33(3):291-298.   Published online March 31, 1990
Breast milk has been the principal roles of feeding infants all over the world. Fatty acid in breast milk is a very important source of energy and a-lactalbumin is a specipic protein that is necessary for optimal growth and development of infants. The free fatty acid and albumin levels in breast milk from 128 korean mothers were analysed from January to August 1988. A...
A Case of Testicular Tumor Metastasized to The Lung.
Jong Sik Kim, Dae Young Kim, Kang Ho Kim, In Kwyu Park, Young Bong Park, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1989;32(1):137-142.   Published online January 31, 1989
A 11/2 year old male child was admitted to the Department of Pedíatrics of Chosun University Hospital because of dyspnea and coughíng. on physical examination, intercostal and subcostal retraction were observed, and dullness and decreased breathing sound were auscultated on the right side chest. Seven months earlier, the patient developed a mass on the right side testis and has grown rapidly and was admitted to...
Clinical Observation on the Change of Body Weight in Low Birth Weight Infant.
Dae Young Kim, Gong Sick Kim, Young Bong Park, Sang Kee Park, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(11):1432-1436.   Published online November 30, 1988
A clinical and statistical observation was made on 102 LBWIs who were admitted to the newborn nursery of Chosun University Hospital during 4 years from Jaunary, 1983 to December, 1987. The results were as follows: 1) The maximum weight loss was found on average 4.9 days after birth, the duration of returning to the birth weight was the average 9.4 days, and appeared to be...
A Case of DiGeorge's Syndrome.
Jong Sik Kim, Dae Young Kim, Kang Ho Kim, Choon Ho Park, Young Bong Park, Kwang Rhun Koo, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1988;31(1):100-105.   Published online January 31, 1988
DiGeorge’s syndrome is characterized by partial or complete absence of the parathyroid gland and thymus gland and often associated with the cardiovascular and craniofacial anomalies. A-22-days old male infant, delivered without complications at term after a normal pregnancy, developed irritability, feeding difficulties, dyspnea and convulsion. He was characterized by a low-set, malformed right ear, short philtrum of the upper lip, absence of the thymic...
Two Cases of Wilson's Disease.
Dae Young Kim, In Kwyn Park, jong Sik Kim, Kang Ho Kim, Sang Kee Park, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(12):1475-1479.   Published online December 31, 1987
Two cases of Wilson’s disease were experienced, which showed symptoms of hepatic dysfunction, Kayser-Fleischer ring and decreased serum ceruloplasmin and increased urine copper excretion. Case 1: An 9 years old boy was admitted with abdominal distension and general edema, he had low serum ceruloplasmin levels (7.0 mg%) and high levels of urinary copper (2020 必g/24 hrs) and increased transaminase levels (292 U/L of SGOT,...
A Study on Serum Ca, P, Mg, Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitionin, and 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Normal Newborn and Low Birth Weight Infants.
In Bock Lee, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(6):613-624.   Published online June 30, 1987
Early neonatal hypocalcemia occurs within the first few days of life, with the lowest concentrations of serum calcium being reached at 24 to 48 hours of age. An infant can be considered to be hypocalcemic when serum calcium concentrations are below 7 mg/dl or when ionized calcium concentrations are below 3 to 3.5 mg/dl. The most commonly encountered causes of neonatal hypocalcemia are prematurity,...
A Study on the Correlation of the Stages of Pubertal Development with Serum Levels of FSH, LH, Testosterone and Estradiol in Normal Children.
Sang Kee Park, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(5):536-551.   Published online May 31, 1987
Puberty is the period, during which many changes of somatic growth, maturation of gonads and development of secondary sex characteristics occur so that reproduction of the species can be maintained. Pubertal growth and development is unique. So, a working of its onset, sequence, and charateristics are prerequisite to the provision of effective comprehensive medical care to the adolescent. Author studied the stages of pubertal...
Clinical Studies on Febrile Convulsion in Children.
Kang Ho Kim, In Kwyu Park, Young Bong Park, Jin Heon Kim, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1987;30(3):297-304.   Published online March 31, 1987
We have analyzed the clinical and laboratory findings of 204 patients with febrile convulsion, who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Chosun University Hospital from Jan. 1976 to Dec. 1985. The results obtained were as follows: 1) In sex distribution, the boys(65.6%) outnumbered the girls(34.4%) and the ratio was 1.9:1. 2) 78.9% of the patients with febrile convulsion were from 6 months to under 4 years...
Case Report
A Case of Apert's Syndrome.
In Kwyu Park, Kang Ho Kim, Yeong Bong Park, Jin Heon Kim, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(9):1002-1006.   Published online September 30, 1986
Apert’s syndrome is an uncommon, congenital disturbance in the growth of bone and soft tissue affecting principally the head, the hand and feet. So there is skull malformation, most often acrocephaly, associated with symmetrical malformation of both hand and feet. This syndrome was first described by Apert in 1906. since that time, over 200 cases have been reported in the...
Original Article
Quantitative Determination of Lipids in Breast Milk of Korean Woman.
Sang Kie Kim, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(7):765-772.   Published online July 31, 1986
Human milk fat is the main energy sourse of the newborn infant. In addition to providing 50% of the total calories in Human milk, fats are essential to normal development because they provide fatty acids necessary for brain development are an integral part of all cell menbrance and are the sole vehicle for fat soluble Vitamin and Hormones in milk mature Human milk has...
Clinical Status of Apnea in Prematurity.
Soon Hee Kim, Chang Soo Ra, Keun Lee
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(7):758-764.   Published online July 31, 1986
Apnea is defined as cessation of respiration for longer than 10 〜20sec with or without bradycardia or cyanosis. It is more frequent in premature than full-term infants. The medical records of 96 premature infants of gestational age below 36 weeks who were hospitalized at Nursery of Ewha University Hospital during the period from July, 1982 to July, 1984, were analyzed....
A Study on Plasma Antidiuretic Hormone and Serum Sodium Levels of Cord Blood in the Newborn Infants.
Choon Ho Park, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(7):748-757.   Published online July 31, 1986
The authors studied the plasma antidiuretic hormone levels of cord blood in 40 cases of newborn infants and also studied the serum sodium levels of cord blood in 40 cases of newborn infants. For the purpose of analysis, the study subjects were divided into four group; 1st group of 17 cases of vaginal delivery infants with fetal distress, 2nd group...
Clinical Study of Acute Glomerulonephritis in Children.
Kyeong Rae Moon, Choon Ho Park, Sang Kie Kim, Jin Heon Kim, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(2):178-185.   Published online February 28, 1986
From January 1979 to June 1984, 96 cases of acute glomerulonephritis were clinically investigated at the Department of Pediatrics, Chosun University Hospital, and following results were obtained: 1) Male to female ratio was 1.7 : 1, and the age incidence was highest in children from 7 to 9 years (35.4%), with a seasonal peak in Autumn and Winter (66.8%). 2) The most common...
A study on Serum Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Parathyroid Hormone Levels of Cord Blood in Newborn.
Kwang Rhun Koo, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(2):163-169.   Published online February 28, 1986
A study of serum calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and PTH levels of cord blood in newborn infants and those of serum levels of maternal blood at parturition was carried on 38 mother/baby pairs who were admitted to Chosun University Hospital from November, 1982 throgh Desember, 1982. The following results were obtained; 1) The serum calcium levels of cord blood in 38 cases of the...
A Study on Serum Immuoglobulins and Complements in Newborn Infants.
Song Soo Moon, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(1):58-71.   Published online January 31, 1986
The author investigated serum immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, and IgM) and complements (C3and C4) of cord blood in 29 cases of normal fullterm infants, 14 cases of low birth weight infants (8 cases of premature infants) and 43 cases of their mothers at delivery. Serum immunoglobulin and complement levels were measured by the single radial immuno diffusion method (NISSUI, Japan). The...
A Study on Changes of Serum Prootein, Immunoglobulins, and Electrolyte Metabolism in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome after Steroid Therapy.
Kyung Rae Moon, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1986;29(1):32-44.   Published online January 31, 1986
The author determined serum and 24hr urine protein(total protein and albumin), immunoglobulins(lgG, IgA, and IgM) and serum electrolytes(Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, and Cl) in 5 cases of childhood nephrotic syndrome before and after steroid therapy, until urinary excretion of protein was negative (remission).The results observed are summarized as follows; 1) Serum protein; Before treatment, the mean serum total protein...
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium contents of Breast Milk.
In Bock Lee, Kwang Rhun Koo, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(12):1216-1220.   Published online December 31, 1985
In order to determine the concentration of Ca, P, and Mg of breast mik and the alterations of their concentrations during the period of lactation, the authors studied the concentrations of Ca, P, and Mg of breast milk from 68 Korean healthy nursing mothers who delivered at term. Ca, P, and Mg concentration of breast milk were measured by calorimetric...
A study on Glucose Metabolism in Newborn Infants.
Keun Chul Myung, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(12):1167-1176.   Published online December 31, 1985
Glucose metabolism in newborn infants has not been clearly defined. A thorough understanding of the physiology of glucose metabolism between mother and newborn infants is necessary in the evaluation of the newborn infant with hypoglycemia. Author studied the serum glucose, insulin, cyclic AMP and glucagon levels in 27 pairs of cord blood in newborn infant and maternal blood at paturition....
A Study on Calcium Metabolism in Newborn Infants.
Jin Heon Kim, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(10):967-976.   Published online October 31, 1985
A thorough understanding of calcium homeostasis and metabolism in newborn infants is necessary in the evaluation of any newborn infant with hypocalcemia. Author studied the levels of urinary calcium and phosphorus during the 48 hours after birth, and also studied before and after feeding during the 24 hours after birth in 19 normal term infants. And serum calcium, phosphorus, parathormone,...
A Study on Serum Creatinine and BUN Levels in Newborn Infants.
Shin Chung Jee, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(8):741-750.   Published online August 31, 1985
The concept of renal function in the neonate has been that the developing kidney is immature and that glomerular and tubular functions are low for body size as compared with the adult. Authors determined the serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels of cord blood in 57 newborn infants(42 normal full-term and 15 premature infants) with gestational age of...
A Study on Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins in Acute Viral Hepatitis in Children.
Kyu Hyoung Han, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(7):642-652.   Published online July 31, 1985
Most of the lipids in serum are transported in the from of lipoproteins. A major portion of these lipoproteins is formed in the liver. The determination of serum lipoprotein patterns is a better index of liver abnormalities than determination of lipids alone. The authors determined serum lipid concentration and the patterns of serum lipoproteins in 40 cases of acute viral...
Obesity in School-age Children.
Ho Seong Yoo, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(7):631-636.   Published online July 31, 1985
From 1983 to June 1984, Obesity survey among school children aged 6 to 12 years(8,260 boys and 7,645 girls) was done. The results were as follows; 1)Based on a weight-for-age definition of obesity(97 th percentile), 0.92% of boys and 0.85% of girls were considered to be obese. 2)Based on a weight-for-age definition of besity (97th. percentile), the highest incidence was...
Case Report
A Case of Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome.
Sang Kie Kim, Choon Ho Park, Jin Heon Kim, Keun Chul Myung, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(6):622-626.   Published online June 30, 1985
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, also known as intestinal polyposis II, is a familial condition characterized by the triad of (1) mucocutaneous pigmentation, (2) benign polyps occuring in any part of the intestinal tract but mainly in the jejunum, and (3) autosomal dominant inheritance. This syndrome was first reported by Peutz in 1929. Following reemphasis by Jegers in 1949, it became a definite...
Adrenaogenital Syndrome with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.
Kyeong Rae Moon, Yeong Bong Park, Sang Gi Kim, Jin Heon Kim, Chang Soo Ra, Jae Hong Seo, Ho Won Hwang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1985;28(1):78-84.   Published online January 31, 1985
Adrenogenital syndrome is caused by a defect in biosynthesis of adrenal corticoids as a result of deficiency in one of the essential enzymes, most commonly 21-hydroxylase. About 50% of 21-hydroxylase deficiency have salt losing type as a result of aldosterone deficiency. We have experienced a casa of adrenogenital syndrome associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (salt losing form) in a 3...
Original Article
A Study on Serum Glucose, Insulin, and hGH Levels of Cord Blood in Newborn.
Cheol Won Park, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1984;27(10):945-957.   Published online October 31, 1984
We have studied the serum glucose, insulin and hGH levels of cord blood in newborn infants(38 cases) and the serum glucose, insulin and hGH levels of maternal blood at parturition (38 cases). For the purpose of analysis, the study objects were divided into two groups: normal infant group (32 cases) and premature infant group (6 cases). Serum glucose levels were...
Clinical Study of Epilepsy in Children.
Ho Seong Yoo, Young Bong Park, Kyeong Rae Moon, Keun Chul Myung, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1984;27(8):795-801.   Published online August 31, 1984
From June 1974 to June 1983, 106 cases of child epileptic patients were clinically investigated at the Department of Pediatrics, Chosun University Hospital, and the following results were obtained. 1)Epilepsy had the highest incidence in children from 5 to 9 years (32.1%), and the next was from 9 to 16 years (21.7%). 2)Male to female ratio was 1.3 : 1....
Case Report
A Case of Histiocytosis X(Hand-Schuller-Christian Syndrome).
Yeong Bong Park, Jin Heon Kim, Jong Myeon Hong, Chang Soo Ra
Clin Exp Pediatr. 1983;26(12):1209-1214.   Published online December 31, 1983
A case of histiocytosis X (Hand-Schuller-Christian syndrome) in a 3 year old girl is presented. The patients has the triad of exophthalmos, diabetes insipidus and skeletal lesions, plus hepatomegaly, wide spread pulmonary infiltration and growth retardation. The patient was treated with chlorambucil, prednisone, radiation therapy and chlorpropamide therapy for diabetes insipidus with good response. Similar cases reported in literature are briefly...


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