Childhood minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) is often associated with hyper-sensitivity reactions and considered to be caused by immune dysfunction. The elevated serum IgE levels and atopic symptoms have been frequently associated in these patients. The present therapy for MCNS mainly depends on corticosteroids, alkylating agents such as chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide and cyclosporin A (Cy-A). Howerver, frequent relapses and severe side effects... |
Respiratory distress syndrome of preterm infants remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Early, just after birth, prediction and recognition of RDS is so important. The precision and reliability of the stable microbuble test (SMR) and shake test as a predictor of respiratory distress syndrome were studied. A 11-=neonate who was born at Chungnam National University Hospital between November 1991... |
The fetal hemoglobin, which is structurally different from adult hemoglobin, has higher affinity for oxygen and higher resistance to denaturation with alkali than adult hemoglobin. Intrauterine growth retarded neonates have highter mortality and morbidity than normal neonates. In this article, to determine the changes of fetal hemoglobin by gestational age in infants appropriate in wieght for gestational age (AGA) and to... |
Clinical observations were made on 338 low birth weight infants, who were delivered at Pusan Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, during the 3 year periods from 1989 to 1991. The results were as follows; 1) The incidence of LBWI was 5.6% and sex ratio was 1:1.09. Among them AGA was 62.7%. 2) Of all infants, 47.3% were in the birth weight range of 2251-2500... |
This study was conducted to investigate plasma levels of oral methotrexate in rabbits and children receiving maintenance chemotherapy for acute lymphocytic leukemia. Eight New Zealand white rabbits, weighing 2kg in body weight, were divided into 3 groups and 5mg of methotrexate from 3 different manufactorying company was administered to the each group rabbits via nasogastric tube. Time to peak concentration ranged from... |
A clinical review was done on 343 infants and children diagnosed and operated at the Department of Pediatric Surgery in Keimyung University, Dong San Medical Center for congenital gastrointestinal anomalies from January, 1988 to December, 1991. The results are summarized as follows; 1) The most prevalent age group of congenital gastrointestinal anomaly was within first week after birth, and infants within 3months... |
Intussusception is the most common cause of acquired intestinal obstruction during infancy and early childhood and requires early diagnosis and treatment. We observed 431 cases of intussusception who admitted at Chungang Gil Hospital from January 1987 to June 1991, and compared the result of treatment with Barium Enema in 302 cases with that of Air Enema in 129 cases. The results were... |
The authors analysed 261 cases of mycoplasmal pneumonia in chidren who were admitted to the pediatric department of Seoul Adventist Hospital between July 1986 and June 1991. The result obtained were as follows; 1) Yearly distribution of the cases showed high in 1987 and 1991, but no significant difference was noted in seasonally or monthly distribution. 2) The peak incidence of age was... |
To determine the impact of intake large amount whole cow's milk (WCM) on iron status during early childhood(18~36 months), selected indices of complete blood count (CBC) and iron status were compared between the WCM large amount intake group (n=20) and small amount intake group (n=20). WCM large amount intake children's mean hemoglobin and mean hematocrit were 9.6¡¾1.7g/dl and 30.8¡¾4.5% respectively. These... |
Porencephaly is relatively rare condition defined by a defect or cavity in the cerebrum owing to a developmental malformation or to a destructive lesion. Forty-five porencephaly patients diagnosed by Brain CT were clinically analyzed and the following results were obtained. 1) By the age group presenting initial symptoms, the peak incidence was from 1 month to below 3 years old. 2) In initial... |
To characterize the sympathetic nervous system response to congestive heart failure in infants and children, plasma norepinephrine levels were measured in 29 patients aged 4 months to 15 years undergoing routine cardiac catheterization at Dong San Hospital, Keimyung University during the period of 4 months from November 1990 to February 1991. Plasma norepinephrine levels were significantly higher in patients with heart... |
Form March 1982 to December 1991, 110 cases of typical post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis and 25 cases of Atypical acute glomerulonephritis were clinically investigated at Department of pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital, and follwing Data were obtained. 1) Male to Femal ratio was 1.8:1 (Atypical AGN). Peak incidence was from 7 to 12 years. 2) The most common preceding infections were upper respiratory infection,... |
We studied the disease status by question-naire in Seoul of the pupils in two primary schools on May, 1991 and carried out statistical analysis of their results. The following results were observed: 1) Total number of answered pupil was 2330;1103 were male and 1227 were female and the ratio of male to female was 1:1.1. Average age was 9.27 years. 2) Number of... |
We experienced a case of congenital goiter with congenital hypothyroidism in 45 dayold male, who complained of respiratory difficulty and anterior neck mass. After admission, he was diagnosed congenital hypothyroidism by the clinical manifestations and laboratory tests including biochemistry, radioimmunoassay, radioisotope study, perchlorate discharge test, and bone radiography. We obtained positive finding at the perchlorate discharge test and found that his... |
Cyclic Neutropenia is a benign, unusual hematologic disorder characterized by regularly recurring episodes of severe neutropenia occurring approximately every 21 days. Beside neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, platelets and reticulocytes all cycle with strict periodicity suggest that this disease should be viewed as cyclic hematopoiesis, not merely as cyclic neutropenia. During neutropenic periods, patients regularly experience aphthous stomatitis, fever, malaise, cervical lymphadenitis, cutaneous... |
Laryngotracheoesophageal cleft is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by a midline defect of variable length between the posterior larynx and trachea and the anterior wall of the esophagus which was first reported by Richter in 1792. The male, birth weight 2780 gm, was born our hospital. After birth the infant breathed spontaneously, cried immediately but weak and did well initially but... |
The association of colonic atresia in patients with Down syndrome is a rare anomaly. The incidence of congenital atresia of the gastrointestinal tract has been estimated to be about one in 1500 births. Colonic atresia is rarer still, and is throut to comprise about 5% to 10% of this group. This intestinal atresia occurs in about 30% to 50% of... |
Pulmonary artery sling is an uncommon and potentially lethal vascular anomaly that can produce airway obstruction. Despite the availibility of a corrective operation, the mortality rate remains very high due to the high incidence of associated obstructive anomalies of the tracheobronchial tree. We experienced a 70-day-old male infant who was admitted to our unit because of sudden dyspnea, cyanosis, coarse... |
Bile peritonitis due to spontaneous perforation of choledochal cyst is a rare disease and the etiology of spontaneous perforation is unknown in most of infant cases. Recently, we experienced a case of bile peritonitis caused by spontaneous perforation of choledochal cyst in a 6 month-old female infant. She had progressive abdominal distention with ascites, mild jaundice and intermittent passage of acholic... |