Generally, infants of diabetic mother(IDM) have various diseases and complications affecting multisystems resulting in high perinatal morbidity and mortality. It is well known that IDM have especially higher incidence of congenital anomalies including congenital heart disease(CH D). dTransposition of great arteries(d-TGA), ventricular septal defect and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) form most of CHD occurring in IDM. Of these, HCM appears as a... |
Infantile spasms is a disease, causes or treatments of which are not clearly delineated. Pri-mary objectives of treatment are complete control of seizure attack and prevention of further brain damage. Forty-one patients were managed with ACTH, who were diagnosed as infantile spasms and admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital from July 1985 till June 1990. The results... |
Acute tachyarrhythmia in infancy and childhood may be life-threatening if it is not treated promptly and accurately. The selection of a safe and effective pharmacologic agent is work in hand. We tried ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to pediatric patients with acute epidsodes of supraventricular tachycardia for therapeutic or diagnostic purpose and determined the safety and effectiveness of the drug. ATP was given... |
Asthma in infancy can be confused with a variety of airway diseases, because not all that wheezes is asthma and controversy exists as to the role of age of asthma onset in childhood asthma. This study was designed to examine the role of age and predictive capacity of elevated serum IgE for early asthma doset. We compiled data of asthmatics (n=56)... |
Charts of very low birth weight infants weighing less than 1500 gms at birth were revieved and the results were analyzed. Infants were 152 in numbers, admitted to nursery in Fatima Hospital from January 1986 to December 1989 including outborns. Results were as follow: 1) The incidence of very low birth weight was 5.78/1000 among 26270 newborn infants. 2) Maternal high... |
We made clinical and statistical observation of 90 very low birth weight infants who were admitted at Soonchunhyang university hospital during the 6 years period from January 1985 through December 1990. The result obtained were as follows: 1) The incidence of very low birth weight infant during 6 years period was 0.68%, and the mortality rate was 488/1000 very low birth weight infants. 2) There was no obvious... |
Wheezing is one of the most common symptom in the first 2 year of life. Although the effect of bronchodilator in wheezy infants was still debating, various form of bronchodilator has been tried untill now. This study was done to estimate the value of ultrasonic nebulized salbutamol as a bronchodilator test and maintenance therapy compared to epinephrine and aminophylline in 44 wheezy infants below 24... |
We report a case of lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantilis in 24 month male. At age 18 months, his mother noticed a fairly well-defined depression of skin in the both inguinal and axillary area, which gradually spread centrifugally to the lower portion of abdomen and total inguinal and axillary region. The laboratory findings were unremarkable. Biopsy showed absense of subcutaneous fat in the affected area. |
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common disease that occurred in 20 〜 40 percent of premature infants. The incidence of PDA is inversely related to the gestational age and birth weight. Hemodynamically significant PDA increases the morbidity and mortality of premature infants. So, the management of PDA is one of the major problems in neonatal intensive care unit. Based on experimental animal studies,... |
Systemic infection with Candida albicans in very premature infants is frequently fatal or associated with significant morbidity in survivors. Several common practices in newborn intensive care units, such as insertion of indwelling catheters, provision of parenteral nutrition, and prolonged administra- tion of broad-spectrum antibiotics or aminophylline, are associated with an increased risk of systemic disease. We have experienced a case of systemic candidiasis in 1/365... |
For mass screening of the galactosemia, we used spot urine method using filter paper which was newly developed by Department of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, Osaka City University in Japan. We used control groups as followed, 7 of normal adults,- one patient of I, II, III types of galactosemia, respectively. The experimental groups were 62 infants of 0 to... |
We reviewed 34 patients with palpable abdominal mass among 5,920 infants and children who admitted to the department of pediatrics of Soon Chun Hyang University from Jun. 1, 1986 to Aug. 31,1989. The results were as follows: 1) The incidence was 0.57% and the male: female ratio was 1:1.3. The mass was noted before 1 year of age in 23.5% of cases and under 5 years... |
A clinical studies were carried out on 442 cases who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Kwangju Christian Hospital under impression of meningitis during a 7 year period form January, 1982 to December, 1989. The results are summerized; 1) No yearly fluctuation in incidence for both purulent and aseptic meningitis was noted, but decreasing tendency was clearly seen for tuberculous meningitis. 2) Purulent meningitis affected mostly babies... |
34 very low birth weight infants weighing 1,500 gms or less, who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Seoul National University Children’s Hospital, were routinely studied with serial real-time brain ultrasonography from August 1, 1986 to July 31, 1988. Their medical records and the results of brain ultrasonography were analyzed to evaluate propor- tion, severity, timing, clinical findings, outcome, associated periventricular... |
In order to estimate the influence of systemic hemodynamic change in cerebral blood flow before and after closure of ductus arteriosus in premature mewborn infants, blood flow velocities of internal carotid artery (ICA), anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were measured in 17 premature newborn infants by pulsed Doppler ultrasonography. The data was compared with those of normal full-term infants by... |
We conducted a clinical controlled trial of exogenous surfactant replacement therapy in premature infants with hyaline membrane disease at the neonatal intensive care unit of Yonsei University Medical Center form Nov. 1987 to May 1988. Sixteen premature infants with severe HMD were randomly assigned to control group or surfactant-treated group. Eight infants (mean gestational age 29.9±2.8 week, mean birth weight 1, 425±308.9 gm) were given... |
We measured body temperatures and stabilization times of 100 term and 52 preterm infants at four sites. The sites were core, aural, rectal and axilla in order of degree of temperature. There was significant difference between term and preterm infants (term infant higher, p<0.001). Mean difference between axillary and rectal temperatures was 0.501C(rectal higher). Mean difference between rectal and core temperatures was 0.10lC(core higher).... |
Generally, infant of diabetic mother (IDM) have complex multisystems disease resulting in a high incidence of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)-IDM appears as the early onset, transient and non-familial cariomyopathy in neonatal period. The etiology of the left ventricular outflow obstruction in these neonates is not clear. But, it is possible that the asymmetrical septal hypertrophy was a manifestation of the generalized... |
We experienced two cases of spinal muscular atrophy, type 2 in 1 year 11 months old boy and 4 year 1 month old girl with the complaint of progressive muscular weakness on both lower extremities (frog leg position). Their development had been almost normal since birth and they could stand alone briefly at 12 months of age, but progressive muscular weakness had been apparent... |
llq deletion syndrome is a rare chromosomal anomaly. The authors experienced a case of llq deletion syndrome with congenital glaucoma and infantile spasm in a female child. She showed delayed psychomotor development, flat occiput, hypertelorism, low set malformed ears, flat nasal bridge, short neck, simian line on right palm and throm. bocytopenia. Chromosomal study showed the deletion of the long arm of chromosme 11, karyotypically... |
Uninary tract infection as one of the common infectious disease all through the childhood and can be the cause of febrile illnesses. During infancy, the diagnosis of UTI is easily overooked because of relative lack of charateristic urinary symptoms. But UTI was found to cause longterm sequelae more often in infancy than later. We studied 258 cases of febrile infants and 345 cases of... |
Serial neurosonographic examinations were performed in 34 low birth weight infants who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Yong-Dong Severance Hospital. Among them, 14 (41 %)were found to have periventicular-intraventricular hemorrhage. The initial hemorrhage occured in the first three days of life among 71% infants. After initial hemorrhage, hemorrhage was decreased in size and thereafter absorbed. Fourteen (44%) infants demonsrated cysts... |
Recently we have experienced a case of infantile cortical hyperostosis. The patients was 2 months old male who complained irritability, soft tissue swelling of both lower extremities. X-ray showed periosteal new bone formation on both tibiae. Bone scan revealed hot uptake at the lesion. We are reporting this infantile cortical hyperostosis with reviewing literatures. |
A clinical and statistical observation was made on 102 LBWIs who were admitted to the newborn nursery of Chosun University Hospital during 4 years from Jaunary, 1983 to December, 1987. The results were as follows: 1) The maximum weight loss was found on average 4.9 days after birth, the duration of returning to the birth weight was the average 9.4 days, and appeared to be... |
A clinical survey of Very Low Brith Weight Infant was done on 27,170 infants bom at II Sin Christian Hospital between Jan. 1 1983 and Dec. 31 1986. The results were as follows; 1) The incidence of VLBWI in the 27,170 births was 1.0%, and there was no annual variation. 2) Among 10,749 multiparaty there was a higher incidence of VLBWI (1.4%) compared to that in primiparity... |
The clinical study on the results of intensive care was performed on the 137 very low birth weight infants with birth weight of 1001-1500 gram who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Severance hospital from 1981 to 1986. The results were as follows. 1) The range of gestational age of very low birth weight infants was from 22 to 40 weeks, most predominantly... |
We have experienced 2 cases of infantile spasms treated with ACTH. They were diagnosed as cryptogenic type within relatively short duration after the onset. With the administration of ACTH, flexor spasms and hypsarrhythmia disappeared. They did not demonstrate any intellectual impair- ment on OPD follow up study. A brief review of literatures was made. |
Developmental problems are relatively prevalent and often treatable if early interventions are to be given. Much better prognosis will also be given if they are treated early & properly by early detection through the use of the developmental screening test. Developmental screening is the application of relatively quick and simple procedures to an asymptomatic population to select out those individuals who are highly likely... |
An analysis of incidence requiring resuscitation in relation to the indication of cesarean section in full-term deliveries were carried out retrospectively during 24 months from January 1984 to December 1985. The results obtained were as follows. 1) The overall incidence of cesarean delivery was 17.2% (397 cases out of 2,308 total deliveries) and the rate of full-term was 77.6% of total cesarean deliveries. 2) Among full-term cesarean delivered... |
Early neonatal hypocalcemia occurs within the first few days of life, with the lowest concentrations of serum calcium being reached at 24 to 48 hours of age. An infant can be considered to be hypocalcemic when serum calcium concentrations are below 7 mg/dl or when ionized calcium concentrations are below 3 to 3.5 mg/dl. The most commonly encountered causes of neonatal hypocalcemia are prematurity,... |
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