This paper presents clinical manifestations and result of cytogenetic examination of a patient with trisomy 8 mosaicism syndrome. Characteristic features include hypertelolism, deep set eyes, anteverted nose, narrow pelves, hypospadia, camptodactyly and deep skin crease and furrows. Karyotyping and chromosomal analysis revealed 47 XY, + 8 mosaicism. A brief review of literature was presented. |
A clinical and histopathologic study was made oin 50 cases of renal biopies in children who admitted to chon buk national university hospital from December 1987 to July 1990. The result were as follows : 1) Among 50 cases, 35 cases were male and 15 cases female. The sex ratio of male to female was 2.3 : 1. The age distribution was... |
There is continuing interest in the isotype response of human serum antibodies reactive with dietary proteins. This study was performed to clarify the humoral immune responses against cow’s milk proteins, 分-lactoglobulin and a-lactalbumin. Milk protein specific IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgG subclasses were measured using ELISA in the blood of various groups of age. The results were as follows: 1) Milk protein specific immunoglobulins were higher... |
Anomalies of the inferior vena cava (IVC) are often discovered incidentally during imaging studies performed for other reasons, since patients with these abnormalities are usually asymptomatic. Infrahepatic interruption of the IVC with azygos or hemiazygos continuation is an unusual anomaly of the IVC. We report a case of single left-sided IVC with hemiazygos continuation in associated with patent ductus arteriosus and left superior vena cava.... |
Subependymal giant-cell astrocytoma is a rare cerebral glioma that characteristically arises in the wall of the lateral ventricle and presents as an intraventricular mass, causing hydrocephalus by obstruction of the foramen of Monro. The tumor mainly occurs in patients with tuberous sclerosis and is slow growing and well circumscribed, so that long survival after total surgical resection is often achieved. We experienced a cas^ of... |
The antiumor antibiotic adriamycin is presently considered to be a very effctive and useful chemotherapeutic agent in the treatment of many human tumors. Cardiotoxicity of adriamycin limits its clinical use. A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanism of cardiotox- icity with adriamycin, but none has yet been demonstrated. The effects of adriamycin on twitch force and membrane potential in an... |
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is an atypical form of severe chronic renal parenchymal infection, which can be mistaken for tumor or other inflammatory renal disease due to similar clinical manifestations. This disease was classified into three stages based on the extent of involvement of renal and adjacent tissue by the xanthogranulomatous process. In stage I (nephric), the characteristic xantho- granulomatous inflammatory process is confined to the kidney. The... |
The present study was performed to define the prevalene of asymptomatic hematuria, proteinuria,and glucosuria. A total of 5011 primary school children in Chonju city were examined with test strip urinalysis during the period of one month from June to July 1989. Test strip (Hema-Combistix) was used in this examination. The results were as. follows: 1) Prevalence of hematuria, proteinuria and glucosuria were 0.8% (40 children), 0.78%... |
The improvement in survival for childhood cancer has been achieved through the use of multiple- agent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, one of the limitations to quality and length of survival has been the development of second malignant neoplasm. We exprienced a case of second malignant neoplasm in 13-year-old boy who developed osteogenic sarcoma after successful treatment of retinoblastoma. At 3 years of his age,... |
The definite diagnosis and precise assessment of response to therapy is still a problem in childhood tuberculosis because these patients rarely produce sputum and if obtained it may be negative. For this reason, diagnosis rely largely on the clinical and X-ray examination, which have a low specificity and high proportion of false positive results. Recently immunologic diagnosis of tuberculosis using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was... |
It is not yet possible to explain in detail the pathogenesis of the diverse types of food allergy encountered clinically. This generalization applies to milk allergy in spite of the large number of studies reporting the immune responses to cow’s milk proteins, both in healthy subjects and in milk sensitive patients. This study was performed to define the changes of circulating immunoglobulins against milk protein... |
One of the inherent features of clinical microbiology is that substantial time is required for the culture of infectious organisms. Especially acid fast bacilli require extensive time and labaratory facilities for reliable recovery. This makes it difficult for clinicians to use the results in early decisions concerning management of the patient. For these reasons, there has been increasing interest in developing or refining methods... |
Pulmonary and aortic valvular stenosis were relieved by percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty during cardiac catheterization on 14 children aged 22 months to 18 years. Before dilatation the transpulmonary systolic pressure gradients ranged from 43 mmHg (mean 87. 8 mmHg) in children with pulmonary valvular stenosis. There were significant reduction in the transpulmonary systolic pressure gradient (mean 33.1 mmHg) immediately after balloon valvuloplas- ty except one patient... |
Human atrial myocytes secrete atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP) into the plasma, which causes rapid and marked natriuresis, diuresis and vasorelaxation. The releases of renin, aldosterone, and antidiuretic hormone are inhibited by ANP in vivo and in vitro experiments. Various atrial natriur- etic peptides were isolated and synthesized. Plasma ANP concentrations usually elevated in conges- tive heart failure, chronic renal failure, pulmonary arterial hypertension, tachyarrhythmia,... |
This experiment was carried out to investigate the disturbance of lipid metabolism after long-term administration of adriamycin in rats (2.5 mg/kg/week for 5 weeks, S.C.). Changes of Serum lipids, GOT, GPT, LDH, albumin, BUN, and creatinine were investigated after administration of adriamycin. Clinical findings of congestive heart failure and changes of body weight were also observed during experiment. The results were as follows; 1) Serum triglyceride, total cholesterol,... |
The present study was performed to define the humoral immune responses after DPT vaccination changes of diphteria specific IgG and IgM were evaluated suing ELISA method on 196 cases of 6 groups which were divided according to the frequency of DPT vaccination. Alum-precipitated diphtheria toxoid was used as antigen for ELISA. The results were as follows; 1) IgG was mainly involed in humoral immune responses against... |
DPT vaccination has successfully been applied to the prevention of tetanus infection. Edsall (1949) reported the presence of serum tetanus antitoxin after tetanus toxoid immunization. Gill et al (1983) also demonstrated that the values of tetanus specific IgM were increased on neonates after maternal tetanus toxiod immunization. The present study was performed to define the humoral immune responses after DPT vaccination. Changes of tetanus specific... |
In 101 heart disease patients, the radionuclide angiocardiography(RNA) were performed.
Quantitation of left to right shunts were obtained by RNA and oximetry method in 41 patients simultaneously.
A comparison of the values for Qp/Qs ratio obtained by RNA & oximetry in those patients revealed a good correlation coefficient of 0.87(P |
To digoxin-like substance, the authers tried to confirm the presence of this substance in cord blood, sera from premature and full-term infants, third trimester pregnant women not receiving digoxin, and placental extracts, and to investigate the origin and potential physiologic role of DLS, endogenous Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitor in relation to renin activity. The results were as follows; 1) Cord sera DLS... |
It has been suggested that the effect of catecholamine administered into the renal artery on the plasma renin activity may be controlled by extrarenal beta-receptor. Still the exact mechanism responsible for the increase of the plasma renin activity by catecholamines is obscure. In this experiment I have intended to clarify the involvement of extrarenal beta-receptor concerning renin release in the... |
One of the most frequently used anesthetics in the laboratory or clinical practice is barbiturate derivatives. There have been many reports on the renal effects of barbiturate anesthesia, but they still controversial. It has been reported that the central administration of very small dose of thiopental sodium influence the renal function directly. To compare possible different renal effects of the... |
Authors experienced two cases of Hand-Schuller-Christian disease developed simultaneously in 35 month old male monozygotic twin. So we report with literature review briefly as follow. The elder had the complaints of polyuria, exophthalmos, skin lesion. The younger had the complaints of mild exophthalmos and skin lesion. They were confirmed by clinical and pathological features and radiological examination. But patients died... |
Recently, we experienced two cases of aplastic anemia following hepatitis in 6 and 12year old boys. A 6 year old boy was admitted to Jeonbug National University Hospital in Dec. ’82, because of frequent expistaxis and petechiae on entire body. He had a history of hepatitis 2 months ago. On admission liver function was normal and pancytopenia was revealed. Bone... |
There have been some suggestion that inactive renin may be a kind of precursor renin. There have not yet been however, founded direct evidence for that suggestion. To understand more about the physiological role of the plasma inactive renin, experiments have been done. The results obtained as follows. 1)In the newborn infants plasma renin activity showed highest level up to... |
In order to investigate the development of renal function, especially of the capacity of reabsorption of ascorbic acid in proximal tubule, in function of aging, experiments have been done. 1)Urinary flow, creatinine and electrolytes excretion in children (age :1~13yrs, weight: 10~39 kg) increased by aging and reached near the adult value at 11~13 years old. 2) Urinary concentration ability was matured... |
Hereditary anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a rare hereditary condition in which certain structures derived from the ectoderm are undeveloped or underdeveloped, although, on a rarity, mesodermal or endodermal derivatives may be associated. Recently, we have experienced a case of anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in 4 years old male. He had abscence of sweating, hypotrichosis and anodontia, which was characteristic features of this disorder. We established... |
This work was perforrred for the observation of morphological changes and beginning portion of obliteration in ductus arteriosus. And also histological findings in ductus arteriosus affected by indomethacin (4ug/kg/day) were studied. The following results were obtained. In the process of obliteration, intimal pillow became irregular with the narrowing of the lumen and loose connective tissue was frequently filled into the... |
A study on the renal function and its changes by aging in neonates and children has been done, and the result obtained were as follow. 1) Urinary output, creatinine and electrolyte excretion in neonates (age: 12 〜 24 hrs) were significantly lower than children over 1 〜2 yrs, and urine concentrating ability may not yet t>e matured. 2) Urinary output, creatinine and electrolyte excretion in children... |
Leukemia, the most common malignant disease in pediatric field, is one of the most interesting targets of modern medical research. So we reviewed the bone changes in 51 patients of leukemia admitted to the Dept, of Pediatrics Jeonbug National University Hospital for 5 years from Jan. 1st 1977 to Dec. 31st 1981. The results were as follow. The male patient was... |
This experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of anticancer drugs on the phagocytic function of reticuloendothelial system. The phagocytic activity was assessed by- means of carbon clearance method, after intravenous injection of vincristine(5 pg or 25 y^g/lOO gm of body weight) and adriamycin (70 pg or 350 ^g/100 gm of body weight) through one, two, and three times at the interval of... |
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