Prostaglandins play an important role in mediating uterine contractions and thus may also be involved in the triggering of premature labor and spontaneous abortion. Consequently inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis has been suggested as a potential means of inhibiting premature labor. There are many controlled studies which have described the use of indomethacin for inhibition of premature labor with success. But... |
It has been suggested that the effect of catecholamine administered into the renal artery on the plasma renin activity may be controlled by extrarenal beta-receptor. Still the exact mechanism responsible for the increase of the plasma renin activity by catecholamines is obscure. In this experiment I have intended to clarify the involvement of extrarenal beta-receptor concerning renin release in the... |
Perinatal problems encountered in infants born of elderly mothers were assessed on 347 neonates born of mothers among 8,573 newborns who had been delivered at Kwang-ju Christian Hospital during 3-year-period starting from July, 1981. As the control group served 379 babies born of mothers below 35 years of age, who had been selected raudomly from 8,226 deliveries at the same... |
We experienced a case of Werdnig Hoffmann disease in a 1 year 5 month old female child with the complaint of progressive muscular weakness on both lower extremities. Her development had been almost normal since birth and she could stand alone briefly at 12 months of age, but progressive muscular weakness had been apparent since then. Diagnosis was based on... |
Most of the lipids in serum are transported in the from of lipoproteins. A major portion of these lipoproteins is formed in the liver. The determination of serum lipoprotein patterns is a better index of liver abnormalities than determination of lipids alone. The authors determined serum lipid concentration and the patterns of serum lipoproteins in 40 cases of acute viral... |
The author observed serum alpha-fetoprotein concentration in 112 cases of healthy, fullterm newborns and infants from March 1984 to September 1984. Among them, 9 cases were cord bloods of healthy, full-term newborns who were delivered at Pusan St. Benedict Hospital, the others were healthy infants under the age of 36 months who visited well-baby-clinic of Pusan St. Benedict Hospital. The... |
We observed 50 infants admitted to the Dept, of Pediatrics, National Medical Center to determine the efficacy of lactose free soy protein based formula, domestic products, on the recovery of diarrhea from Sept. 1984 to Dec. 1984. Cases were divided into two groups, group 1 was consisted of 25 infants who were given lactose free soy protein formula, and group... |
Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome is a rare genetic disease of unknown etiology with some features suggestive of accelerated aging. Patients with this disorder are usually of average intelligence and appear clinically normal at birth. However, in early childhood they develop severe growth retardation and a senescent phenotype, including balding, aged-appe-aring skin, generalized atherosclerosis, and strokes. They die prematurely as a result... |
58 cases of epidemic encephalitis admitted to the Pediatric Department of Won Kwang University Hospital during the period of August to October 1982 were studied. The results were as follows; 1)Much sequelae occured in 0~5 age group and the mortality rate was highest in 6~10 age:group. The ratio of male to female patientwas 1.76 : 1. 2) The comparison of living... |
A clinical study was carried out to evaluate the effect of PROM on neonatal sepsis on 626 newborns with PROM, who had been born at SNUH during the two-year period from January 1982 to December 1983. The results were as follows; 1) The incidence of PROM was 16.5% and the frequency of prematurity and neonatal sepsis was increased in newborns with PROM. 2) The... |
A clinical study with particular emphasis on the result of chemotherapy has been made on. 34 cases of histiocytosis diagnosed at the Department of the Severance Hospital and Yonsei Cancer Center from January 1975 to December 1981. The results may be summarized as follows: 1) Among histiocytosis, HSC and LSD were each present in elevent cases, E-G in seven and HMR... |
The levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) were measured in 32 newborn infants (Under 24 hours of age), who have no evidence of infection and hyperbilirubinemia (Total bilirubin: Below 6 mg/ml.). 2~3 ml of blood was sampled from femoral puncture and serum AFP levels were measured by radioimmunoassay (Amersham RIA Kit: Amersham International Co. U.K.). The results were summarized as follows: 1) There... |
A further case of acromesomelic dysplasia syndrome is reported in a twelve year old Korean boy born on January 15, 1971 at full term. His height was only 99.5 cm. on his visit to the outpatient department. The present case showed disproportionate shortening of the extremities, especially in the forearms, hands, shanks and feet together with most of the reported... |
h7Routine urine examination in neonatal period is one of the most basic laboratory examination for early diagnosis of various diseases such, as urinary tract infection, congenital anomalies, and renovascular disorders etc. There are many methods to collect urine, but each of these methods has a problem, that is, catheterization causes urethral injury and ascending infection; suprapublic puncture is the most... |
We experienced, a case of holoprosencephaly with no extracranial annormalities, normal chromosme count and karyotype. The diagnosis was confirmed by brain C-T scan, which was compatible to semilobar type of holoprosencephaly. The patient is living now at 2 years old. Review of the references concerning holoprosencephaly was made briefly. |
In asthmatic children, there were many cases who showed positive reactions to food allergens in allergy skin test. But food itself is not usually the cause of asthma, differing from inhalant allergen. Spinach was the third most common positive skin test with 47.8 percent following house dust and house dust mite in our studies of 205 asthmatics who had visited the allergy clinic... |
Transient myeloproliferative disorder has been reported in infants with Down syndrome. Infants with Down syndrome and this transient myeloproliferative disorder often present with signs and symptoms that are clinically and hematologically indistinguishable from congenital acute myelogenous leukemia. In contrast to congenital AML, complete clinical and hematological recovery occurs within weeks to months of diagnosis without any specific anti- leukemic treatment. A case of transient myeloproliferative disorder... |
The purpose Qf this study is to presume the severity of epidemic encephalitis. 36 cases were selected among 81 cases of epidemic encephalitis admitted to Chungnam National University Hospital during Jan. 1981 to Dec. 1982, and divided into clinically mild and severe group. Two groups were compared the differences of their demographic, clinical and laboratory findings. The parameters significantly more encountered in the severe... |
Sera obtained from 23 hospitalized patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis nephrotic syndrome which is confirmed by kidney biopsy, were analyzed for serum albumin, serum lipids, 24hr urine protein, creatinine clearance, HDL-cholesterol. In 19 of the patients lipoproteins were analyzed. the following results were obtained. 1) Serum phospholipid (PL) was increased whenever serum total cholesterol (TC) was increased but to a lesser degree. The ratio of TC/PL... |
Bacterial infections, such as sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia and urinary tract infection are frequent causes of death during neonatal period. Further more clinical symptoms of neonatal infections are often quite vague and the illnesses unexpectedly progress rapidly. The causative organisms are detected with difficulty in many instances. Therefore a quick, simple and.reliable laboratory test is obviously needed for easy recognization of neonatal bacterial... |
The endodermal sinus tumors are rare and highly malignant germ cell tumors in both gonadal and extra gonadal tissue. The recent occurence of such a neoplasm, 7 years old girl treated postoperatively with combined chemotherapy followed by apparent improvement in the level of alpha-fetoprotein and metastatic inguinal lymphnodes. A brief review of the related literature was made on... |
The author has investigated ultrastructural changes of the renal proximal and distal convoluted tubular epithelial cells of rats with oral administration of aspirin, COmg per kg of body weight for 15 and 30 days consecutively. The experimental animals have divided into two group. The group I was received aspirin for 15 consecutive days and group H for 30 days. The... |
Although fever is one of the most common symptoms seen in the pediatric field, we often have met problems in diagnosis and treatment because the etiology is sometimes obscure. We clinically reviewed one hundred patients admitted to Hanyang University Hospital from Sept. 1978 to Dec. 1981 with the chief problem of fever over 38.5°C for longer than two weeks. Final diagnosis of patients... |
The nephrotic syndrome is characterized by generalized edema, hypoproteinemia (serum albumin; below 2.5 gm/dl), hyperlipidemia (serum cholesterol; above 220 mg/dl), massive proteinuria (2.0 gm/M2/24 hrs or more). For causes of hyperlipidemia, decreased plasma lipoprotein lipase activity and decreased serum albumin have been postulated as contributing factors. So the serum lipids and lipoproteins were studied in 24 patients with nephrotic syndrome... |
Data obtained from 59 hospitalized patients with minimal change nephrotic syndrome which was confirmed by kidney biopsy, were analyzed for serum albumin, serum lipids, 24hr urine protein, creatinine clearanee, HDL-eholesterol. In 38 of the patients, lipoproteins were analyzed. The following results were obained 1. Serum phospolipid (PL) was increased whenever serum total cholesterol (TC) was increased but to a lesser degree. The ratio of TC/PL were... |
A group of 514 newborn infants with gestational ages between 28 weeks and 36 weeks were studied for the influence of pronolonged rupture of amniotic membranes and maternal hype- rtension. during pregnancy on. the incidence of Idiopathic Respiratory Distress Syndrome (IRDS). The incidence of IRDS in. complicated pregnancy is that significantly lower than in the control groups. (8.9% vs 18.8%, p<0.05) The occurence of... |
A clinical observation and statistical management on 592 cases of epidemic encephalitis admitted to the department of pediatrics, Chonnam University Hospital with 10 years duration from 1971 to 1980 were carried out. The following results are obtained: 1) No periodical change was observed in annual incidence during these 10 years. 2) The annual incidence was higher when the annual average temperature was higher. Most of the... |
To investigate the developmental changes of human erythrocytes, adult and fetal erythrocyte membranes prepared from adult and cord blood were analyzed in regard to their proteins, glycoproteins, enzyme activities and glucose transport systems. 1. Adult and fetal erythrocyte membranes appeared to have the same major proteins and gl-ycoproteins in the electrophoretic pattern. 2. ATPase activity in adult erythrocyte membranes was... |
Polycstic kidney was rare problem of pediatric disease category. We have experienced one case of polycstic kidney(Potter type I) with pulmonary hypoplasia who born after 35 weeks of gestation to a 34 year-old mother. The clinical course of this infant was characterized by respiratory difficulty with apnea, cyanosis and marked abdominal distension. Chest X-Ray film showed no airation in the... |
We have observed the clinical findings and progress of the febrile convulsion in 182 children who were admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from 1976 to 1980 1) In sex distribution, the boys (65.4%) outnumbered the girls (34.6%). 2) 88% of the children were under 3 years of age at the first epidsode of the febrile convulsion. 3) There was... |
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